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送交者: 中國社會經濟 2023年06月27日13:30:28 於 [焦點房談] 發送悄悄話


As you known, our great country, Canada is immigrants’ Country. Most Canadians, who come from different countries, come together to build the greatest country in the world. For example, Chinese early immigrants built the pacific railway in our country. Canadians have good traditions, and they like to help new immigrants to join the greatest country in the world. Because of these assistance, millions and millions new immigrants smoothly have settled in the great land, and have made a great contributions to Canada development. Nowadays, because of economical recession in the world, new immigrants are experiencing more difficult time comparing with before. So, our government should assist new immigrants to improve their economic conditions, especially in job search, education, and daycare. If so, it will benefit both Canada government and new immigrants.

Contrary to my opinion, some people have some different idea, and they think it will waste government money for government to assistant immigrants. This opinion is wrong. Firstly, the history of Canadian immigrants is a strong proof for immigrants’ contributions to Canada. Also, government can get payback after government make investment to immigrants. Immigrants can find their job soon, and they can pay a lot of tax. So, assisting immigrants not only does not waste tax, but also increases government income.

Government should offer immigrants some programs to support new immigrants to find jobs as soon as possible. As you known, most of new immigrants feel very difficult to find jobs within beginning a few years because they have not Canadian working experience. So, our government should offer some programs, such as, internship, co-op, and work shop programs in order that new immigrants can get Canadian working experience as soon as possible. Firstly, internship program and Co-op programs are very good for new immigrants to get Canadian working experience quickly. On the one side, during the period of internship and co-op program, new immigrants can develop their working skills, know more about Canadian working environment, and overcome the barriers for employment. Also, many employers like to hire people who have internship in their working place. “Today, many companies recognize internship program as one of the most effective recruiting tools available to them. In short, an internship can be a win-win situation for all involved. According to a poll conducted by InternsNet.com, number one offering of full-time-jobs is from internship.” on the other hand, immigrants like an internship programs because they can get some allowance from employers for their daily life. More important is that they can find jobs soon. Right now, both employers and new immigrants need Canada government play a role as a bridge connecting employers and new immigrants. Offering internship program to new immigrants not just benefit new immigrants and employers but also benefit Canada governments.

Government should support immigrants to get training programs, such as, college training, trade training, and language training. In fact, there is a big different opportunities for people to find jobs with different education background. It is easier for people with Canadian education background to find jobs than people with some education background else. Most of immigrants who come from developing countries, their education backgrounds are not accepted by Canadian employers. And also, most immigrants have language problem. Education background and language problem are the barriers for new immigrant to find professional jobs. Without government assistants, immigrants feel difficult to overcome these barriers. So, Government should support immigrants to go back to school to get Canadian education background so that immigrants can quickly find their professional job or develop their businesses. As you known, most of immigrants are professional, and they have university education background in their countries. Even so, nowadays, they have to do some simple labor work to support their daily life in Canada because they lack Canadian education background and poor English level. This is a big wasting of human resource. In same time, our Canadian industries need more professional people. To solve this problem, government should support new immigrants to go back to college so that they quickly improve their English level and update professional skills. If So, Canadian industries can get their professional people to develop their business. Meanwhile, immigrants can improve their economic situation. The most important is that our government can get a lot of tax from both enterprises and immigrants.

Government should give immigrants the Child Care subsidy program. Daycare is very expensive for new immigrants. Most immigrants families have to let their wife to take care their children instead of sending kids to daycare because of daycare are too expensive to afford. A lot of mother lost opportunities for working and studying. In this situation, they feel difficulties to improve their life in Canada. At the same time, Canadian industries also lost human resource, and Canada government lost a lot of tax payers. So, our government should subsidize new immigrants in order that they can progress quickly and contribute Canada more.

In conclusion, right now, it is recession time, new immigrants are experiencing hard time. They need jobs, they need training, and they need assistances. It is very time for our government to assist them in order that they can make progress quickly in the great new country, and they will make a great contribution to Canada in near future. This is a win-win situation.

Jun Li

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