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另起一樓,向你介紹新開發的小區 Paddocks.
送交者: WillyRong 2014年12月10日21:36:27 於 [焦點房談] 發送悄悄話




好了言歸正傳,是這樣,銷售我們公司大樓背後新開發小區的Listing Agent 給我發了兩次郵件,我覺得應該讓感興趣的朋友知道該小區開發的進展,所以轉貼如下:

下面是(11/05/2014)從Listing Agent 來的信息。

Hi Willy,

Thank you for your interest in our newest neighborhood located off of 141, The Paddocks. We are extremely excited and working on the development of this neighborhood.  At this time we are not taking home-site reservations since we do not have a plat.  I will put you on the VIP list for The Paddocks and keep you updated as I receive information and details. This swim and tennis neighborhood will offer 155 single family homes.

We anticipate an end of year opening as soon as the plat is recorded. The schools are Brookwood Elementary, South Forsyth Middle, and Lambert High School.  I should also have the finalized details the end of this month including the pricing and will send a VIP email update when I do.  Have a great day!

下面是(12/09/2014)從 Listing Agent 發來的信息。

Hi Paddocks VIP,

Thank you for your continued interest in The Paddocks located in Suwanee!  I have great news to share with you! 

The pricing you see on the website is based on a non-basement home.  The unfinished basement pricing is as follows:

Galloway -  $55,000

Manchester - $55,000

Marlow -    $55,000

Winslow -  $55,000

Weston -   $60,000

Kingsley -  $65,000

Cameron - $58,000

Kendrick -  $65,000

We do also offer options to finish the basement and the price is based on how much of the basement you would like to finish so varies per plan.  The Marlow and Winslow offer third level living if you choose to build a non-basement home.

There will be more VIP details coming later this week about our Community Sales Manager, the home-sites released in the first phase as well as VIP Grand Opening details.  Stay tuned!








新開發的小區Paddocks在Google Maps 上的位置圖:

標 題 (必選項):
內 容 (選填項):
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海外華人福利!在線看陳建斌《三叉戟》熱血歸回 豪情築夢 高清免費看 無地區限制
一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
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2012: 徽人:一聲嘆息,我家的房事
2012: 在中國國內租高檔房子太合算了
2009: 裝修必看!選購地板11條“軍規”
2009: 用清爽的姿態 打扮不同的聖誕