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中國人正在來襲 他們要買你的房子
送交者: 江南採蓮 2014年07月26日00:39:50 於 [焦點房談] 發送悄悄話

美媒:"中國人正在來襲 他們要買你的房子"





中國人在行動。2014年,中國出境遊的人數預計將達到1億,幾乎相當於整個墨西哥的人口數量。在國外,這些中國人將會與親人、朋友以及房產經紀人見 面;當然,他們還會遊覽名勝古蹟,比如金字塔、白金漢宮、埃菲爾鐵塔和帝國大廈。他們是歷史上這場最大的經濟騰飛的受益者,他們有教養而且富有。他們有 錢、憧憬更好的生活,同時又如熱鍋上的螞蟻般焦躁。


據了解,美國是中國人移民的優先選擇 。因此,美國的房地產成為了這些人的新“短期國債券”,意思是最安全的投資。正如金條一樣,它是以美元來結算的資產;並且,如果有必要的話,可以通過匿名 購買來躲避債主以及生意夥伴的追蹤。但是比金條更好的地方是,房地產可以賺取收入、提供住宿或者說有利於獲取綠卡。

當下,中國移民潮已 經開始,這一股浪潮將很快以海嘯之勢衝擊美國。本月,美國的房地產網站Zillow開始在中國最大的房地產網站上發布中文版的全美房地產數據庫。這意味 着,中國的買家能夠通過上網就能找到那些離自己家人和朋友的房子較近、價格又在自己能接受範圍之內的房產。“事實上,Zillow的這個做法將會產生極大 的影響。”紐約房地產公司Brown Harris Stevens的總裁威爾基(Hall Willkie)說,“中國人將會用他們強大的購買力顛覆整個美國的房產市場。”

買斷正在進行!根據美國房地產經紀人協會發布的《國際 買家美國房產購買活動概述》的資料,2013年,中國的客戶搶購了價值110億美元的美國房產,在所有的外國購買量中占到12%,緊隨加拿大排在第二位。 路透社報道說,2014年第一季度中國投資者已經取代了俄羅斯移民,成為曼哈頓地區公寓購買者的第一大戶。現在,隨着Zilliow推出的網站服務,中國 的客戶將能更便捷的搜尋到合適的房產,不管是在美國的哪個地方。


比如,在2013年,一位來自香港的女人花了650萬美元在紐約最高的居民樓one57大樓買下一間2房的公寓。她對中介說,這是為她女兒準備的,以後 她女兒要上了哥倫比亞大學、哈佛或者紐約大學,才有地方可以住。她女兒當時才兩歲。另一位中國女人在那花2000萬美元買了4間公寓。






位於上海的國有房產公司綠地集團最近購買了洛杉磯市中心最大的一塊未開發地,並且在多倫多市中心投資4億美元項目建造公寓。接下來,綠地集團還會在悉尼 的兩個地塊競標,綠地集團計劃在澳洲投資30億美元。另外一家中國房地產公司——中國萬科剛剛在舊金山簽訂了 6.2億美元的合同。



即便中國公民每人每年的人民幣對外幣的兌換額被控制在5萬美元一年,中國資金仍將會飛速外流。根據統計非法資金流動的組織全球金融誠信在其網站上的報 告,中國是全球非法資金外流最多的國家。在2002到2011年期間,從中國非法外流的資金達到1.08萬億美元,俄羅斯8810億,墨西哥4620億。


The Chinese are on the move. In 2014, a record number of Chinese, 100 million, are expected to travel abroad, an army roughly as big as Mexico’s population. They will visit family and friends, and real estate agents as well as tourist sites such as the Great Pyramids, Buckingham Palace, the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building — the educated and well-heeled beneficiaries of the biggest economic rocket ride in history. They have money in their wallets, an appetite for the good life and ants in their pants.

中國人在行動。2014年,中國出境遊的人數預計將達到1億,幾乎相當於整個墨西 哥的人口數量。在國外,這些中國人將會與親人、朋友以及房產經紀人見面;當然,他們還會遊覽名勝古蹟,比如金字塔、白金漢宮、埃菲爾鐵塔和帝國大廈。他們 是歷史上這場最大的經濟騰飛的受益者,他們有教養而且富有。他們有錢、憧憬更好的生活,同時又如熱鍋上的螞蟻般焦躁。

Still, you can’t blame them for feeling unsettled at home. Beijing’s aggressive anti-corruption sweep has netted thousands of big fish, and more confiscations are on the way. Pollution has created an asthma epidemic, food safety scares are commonplace, and China’s economic pace ebbs. There is still no true dissent or freedom of expression allowed. So the country’s wealthiest are on the move and want a better life for themselves or their children.


Some 9.3 million Chinese have immigrated in recent years, and 64 percent of the country’s remaining rich households — a category that includes a few million people — want to leave or are in the process of doing so.


The United States is their preferred destination, and American real estate is becoming their new T-bills, a safe-haven asset. Like bullion, it’s an asset class denominated in U.S. dollars, safe from confiscation and, when necessary, bought anonymously to hide wealth from governments or creditors or ex-partners. But unlike bullion, U.S. real estate can earn income, provide a roof and help obtain a visa.

據了解,美國是中國人移民 的優先選擇 。因此,美國的房地產成為了這些人的新“短期國債券”,意思是最安全的投資。正如金條一樣,它是以美元來結算的資產;並且,如果有必要的話,可以通過匿名 購買來躲避債主以及生意夥伴的追蹤。但是比金條更好的地方是,房地產可以賺取收入、提供住宿或者說有利於獲取綠卡。

A modern-day Chinese emigration wave is already underway, but a tsunami may soon hit America’s shores. This month, U.S. real estate Web site Zillowbegins publishing its entire U.S. real estate property database in Mandarin on the biggest real estate Web site in China. This means Chinese buyers can surf the Net to find properties near family and friends in their price range. “The fact that Zillow is going there is huge,” says Hall Willkie, president of New York real estate firm Brown Harris Stevens Residential Sales. “The Chinese may just overwhelm the United States with purchases.”

當下,中國移民潮已經開始,這一股浪潮將很快以海嘯之勢衝擊美國。本 月,美國的房地產網站Zillow開始在中國最大的房地產網站上發布中文版的全美房地產數據庫。這意味着,中國的買家能夠通過上網就能找到那些離自己家人 和朋友的房子較近、價格又在自己能接受範圍之內的房產。“事實上,Zillow的這個做法將會產生極大的影響。”紐約房地產公司Brown Harris Stevens的總裁威爾基(Hall Willkie)說,“中國人將會用他們強大的購買力顛覆整個美國的房產市場。”

A buyout is already underway. In 2013, Chinese buyers snapped up $11 billion worth of properties in the United States, capturing second place (at 12 percent of all foreign buying) behind Canadians for the first time, according to the National Association of Realtors’ Profile of International Home Buying Activity. In the first quarter of 2014, Reuters reported that Chinese investors had even overtaken the first-place Russian expatriates in the purchase of Manhattan condos. Now with Zillow, they will have an even easier time prowling for properties anywhere in the United States.

買斷正在進行!根據美國房地產經紀人協會發布的《國際買家美國房產購 買活動概述》的資料,2013年,中國的客戶搶購了價值110億美元的美國房產,在所有的外國購買量中占到12%,緊隨加拿大排在第二位。路透社報道 說,2014年第一季度中國投資者已經取代了俄羅斯移民,成為曼哈頓地區公寓購買者的第一大戶。現在,隨着Zilliow推出的網站服務,中國的客戶將能 更便捷的搜尋到合適的房產,不管是在美國的哪個地方。

Willkie notes a spike in terms of interest in the past 18 months: “In New York, we’ve noticed Chinese buying very large, very expensive apartments, homes. But there are also many buying smaller apartments, $1.5 to $3 million, for their children going to school here. The parents are buying them.”


In 2013, for instance, a Hong Kong woman paid $6.5 million for a two-bedroom in the tallest residence in New York, One57, for her daughter so she’ll have somewhere to live when she gets into Columbia, Harvard or NYU, she told her agent. The daughter, currently, is 2 years old. Another Chinese woman bought four $20 million units there for family members.

比如,在2013年,一位來自香港的女人花了650萬美元在紐約最高的居民樓one57大樓買下一間2 房的公寓。她對中介說,這是為她女兒準備的,以後她女兒要上了哥倫比亞大學、哈佛或者紐約大學,才有地方可以住。她女兒當時才兩歲。另一位中國女人在那花 2000萬美元買了4間公寓。

The potential market is massive. In January, the Hurun Chinese Luxury Consumer Survey — a Web site that tracks the lifestyles and attitudes of its wealthiest citizens — said that some 64 percent of main land Chinese households with personal wealth of at least $1.6 million had emigrated, or planned to do so, with the United States being their favored destination.


Two million Chinese will be worth more than $1.6 million (not including their homes) by 2020, according to Credit Suisse’s 2013 wealth report, and there are hundreds of thousands more in Hong Kong.


A total of 450,000 Chinese students are studying abroad this year — about half in the United States — and most will apply to remain permanently after graduation. To cater to this cohort, developers tell me, condos in Toronto and Vancouver have been marketed to parents in China who buy them sight-unseen because they adjacent to the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia and other schools catering to foreign students.


The frenzy has pushed up prices, and immigration flows, in Canada and Australia. Toronto is the North American leader in high-rise construction with 130 under construction (more than New York City), according building data group Emporis.


Enabling the migration has been Hong Kong’s richest man, Li Ka Shing, who has built tens of thousands of condo units in Canada and recently began selling his assets in China for greener pastures in North America.


Even the Chinese government hopes to profit from the exodus. State-owned Greenland Group Co. in Shanghai recently became the owner of the largest remaining development site in downtown Los Angeles and the developer of a $400 million condo project in downtown Toronto. Soon it will back two major sites in Sydney; it plans to invest up to $3 billion in Australia. Another competitor, China Vanke, just announced a $620-million deal in San Francisco.

甚至中國政府也想從這樣的人口流出中分一杯羹。位於上海的國 有房產公司綠地集團最近購買了洛杉磯市中心最大的一塊未開發地,並且在多倫多市中心投資4億美元項目建造公寓。接下來,綠地集團還會在悉尼的兩個地塊競 標,綠地集團計劃在澳洲投資30億美元。另外一家中國房地產公司——中國萬科剛剛在舊金山簽訂了 6.2億美元的合同。

Generous investor immigration programs, student visas and family sponsorships have created large diasporas in cities that attract newcomers. By 2013, there were 3.79 million Chinese Americans in the United States (not including Chinese from Taiwan or other countries); nearly 30 percent arrived since 2000.


Another reason behind the migration is that Chinese prosperity has created millions of millionaires who want a better life, but it has also generated riches based on corruption. The increase in real estate buying has increased, perhaps coincidentally, following the arrest in 2012 of Bo Xilai, one of China’s most powerful politicians. This fall, he was convicted of bribery and corruption and his wife was given a suspended death sentence for murdering a British businessman. Their playboy son, Bo Guagua, now lives in Manhattan, where he enrolled in Columbia Law School, and was photographed partying around the time of his parents’ convictions. The South China Morning News carried the photograph and suggested Bo’s ill-gotten gains may also be stashed in New York somewhere. Undoubtedly, he’s not the only offspring who may have been stashed out of the country along with the family cash .


The outflow continues apace even though China’s currency controls cap annual exchanges of Yuan to foreign currencies at $50,000 a year. According to a Web site that quantifies illegal capital flows, Global Financial Integrity, the Chinese top the list. Between 2002 and 2011, Chinese smuggled $1.08 trillion out of the country, the Russians $881 billion and Mexicans $462 billion. Controls can be easily circumvented because Chinese companies can buy extra U.S. dollars to pay invoices abroad. So invoices are faked — created by accomplices to allow money to be wired abroad, then cashed in.

即便中國公民每人每年的人民幣對外幣的兌換額被控制在5萬美元一 年,中國資金仍將會飛速外流。根據統計非法資金流動的組織全球金融誠信在其網站上的報告,中國是全球非法資金外流最多的國家。在2002到2011年期 間,從中國非法外流的資金達到1.08萬億美元,俄羅斯8810億,墨西哥4620億。

The desire to get money out of China for whatever reason, added to Zillow’s foray into China’s living rooms, will only enhance enthusiasm. China’s biggest exports to the United States may end up being capital and people. Look out for its biggest winners in a neighborhood near you.


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