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从setjump and longjump看天才为什么要读书
送交者: 覅覅 2024年09月18日16:31:08 于 [灵机一动] 发送悄悄话
从setjump and longjump看天才为什么要读书

记得当年我刚被老东家炒鱿鱼,就到一家公司应聘。一个苏联或东欧的年轻工程师出来面试我。他问我知不知道什么是setjump和longjump。我不知道,真不知道。我一向在裸机上编程。于是他有大条道理对老板说不要我。看他那样年纪那样相貌,可能 他自己还在办绿卡。嘿嘿,你懂的。




To set up a VPN on Windows 8, you can do the following:

01 Right-click the Network icon in the taskbar

02 Select Open Network and Sharing Center

03 Click Set up a new connection or network

04 Select Connect to a workplace

05 Click Use my Internet connection (VPN)

06 Enter the VPN server's IP address in the Internet address field

07 Enter a name for the VPN connection in the Destination name field

08 Click Create

09 Right-click the new connection in the Network and Sharing Center window

10 Select Properties

11 Click the Security tab

12 Select the desired Type of VPN

13 Click OK to close the Properties window

14 Click the Network icon in the taskbar

15 Click the VPN connection and select Connect

16 Enter your username and password, and click Connect

17 Microsoft Intune ended support for Windows 8.1 devices on October 22, 2022. Technical assistance and automatic updates are no longer available for these devices.

18 Set Up and Edit VPN Connections in Windows 8

19 Aug 31, 2016 — In the task bar, locate and right-click on the Network icon. Click Open Network and Sharing Center. Network and Sharin...

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