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送交者: yfeng 2005年07月21日17:24:20 於 [跨國婚姻] 發送悄悄話

Actually, it's not difficult to make 煎餅餜子 even in North America. You need to have a few ingredients necessary for 煎餅餜子.

1. 綠豆面/紅豆面: You can get this kind of flour from a Chinese supermarket like the Ranch 99.
2.炸油條/炸粿子: You can either buy it from a Chinese supermarket (in deli section) or you make it yourself.
3. 辣醬: Also get it from a Chinese supermarket.

Hot to make it:

First, mix 綠豆面 with water until it's pretty thin (稀), but it shouldn't be too thin. Baiscally, if you can pour it out easily, that'll be fine. Next, put some shredded cilantro and a little salt in it. Stir the paste thoroughly.

Second, use a large non-stick pan (9" or 12" in diameter).Turn on stove on high heat. Put a little cooking oil or spray some oil (Pam) onto the pan. When the pan is hot, put a ladle of the paste onto the pan. Quick spread the paste on the pan so that it covers the whole bottom. When the paste is cooked, pour some egg on top of it and spread the egg qucikly. Wait until the egg is cooked. If the heat is too high, turn it down to medium heat. Add some hot soyabean sauce. Finally, Sprinkle some chopped green onion all over it.

Take the cooked 煎餅 out of the pan and roll it with a 油條.

Hope this will help ease some of your cravings.

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