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送交者: 青草青青. 2010年03月24日07:08:13 於 [跨國婚姻] 發送悄悄話

春天的一個夜晚, 下過一場春雨,後院的幾樹梅花悄悄地綻開了   空氣里飄着淡淡的花香。  



很寧靜美好的夜晚, 寧靜得只想點一盞小燭燈。



夜裡,孩子們都睡了。 老公邀我到後院閒聊, 並端來了一瓶紅酒。 盤子上放了我在Red Envelope訂做的小燈“Circle Of Love",   上面刻有老公,我和兩個孩子的名字。   池水映着我們的臉龐,仿佛回到了十幾年前我們在湖邊約會的那個晚上, 日子過得可真快呀!



我在水裡放了幾朵荷花燈。 一次逛 Pier 1 Imports 家飾品店的時候淘到了這些漂在水上小荷燈, 如獲至寶地捧回家了。 老家的傳統里荷燈寓意着和和美美, 願我們的生活永遠和美快樂。



泳池裡不知道什麼時候來了一位客人, 很可愛地睜着一雙大眼睛在看我們。



貼首老公唱的歌:"Wind Beneath My Wings"。 老公說有我才有他的一切,其實他才是我的翼下之風, 他是我和孩子們心中永遠的英雄。 


Wind Beneath My Wings

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
It must have been cold there in my shadow,
to never have sunlight on your face.
You were content to let me shine, that's your way.
You always walked a step behind.

So I was the one with all the glory,
while you were the one with all the strength.
A beautiful face without a name for so long.
A beautiful smile to hide the pain.

Did you ever know that you're my hero,
and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it.
I would be nothing without you.

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be.
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Oh, the wind beneath my wings.
You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings.
Fly, fly, fly away. You let me fly so high.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.

Fly, fly, fly high against the sky,
so high I almost touch the sky.
Thank you, thank you,
thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings.




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2005: 國學大師-南懷瑾 傳 7
2005: 鳥歌:今晚的月光