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Enya:ONLY TIME, (點播:飯小青)
送交者: 飯小牛 2003年11月04日19:46:19 於 [跨國婚姻] 發送悄悄話

only time - Enya

who can say where the road goes,
where the day flows?
only time...
and who can say if your love grows,
as your heart chose?
only time...
who can say why your heart sighs,
as your love flies?
only time...
and who can say why your heart cries,
when your love dies?
only time...
who can say when the roads meet,
that love might be,
in your heart.
and who can say when the day sleeps,
if the night keeps all your heart?
night keeps all your heart...
(long interlude)
who can say if your love grows,
as your heart chose?
only time...
and who can say where the road goes,
where the day flows?
only time... who knows?
only time... who knows?
only time...

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