人面獸心!!! |
送交者: 爪四哥 2022年01月14日05:49:58 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話 |
喜大普奔!喜大普奔!喜大普奔! 重要的話要說三遍! 四天前,在美國馬里蘭大學醫學中心的手術台上,正進行着一場有可能改變人類歷史走向的劃時代的心臟手術: 把轉基因豬的心臟移植到一名心臟病晚期患者體內。 手術大獲成功 為啥爪哥說,這是有可能改變人類歷史走向的劃時代的心臟手術呢? 因為這次手術的成功,主要有兩大現實意義: 1. 長生不老不再是夢想。 2. 神話傳說中的半人半獸將成為現實。 大家可以腦補一下,在醫院候診室,將來人類的對話會是醬紫: 張三:我狼心狗肺 李四:我豬腦子 老王:我人面獸心 大家先別樂,這不是自黑,而是客觀陳述 說起人面獸心,這個接受豬心臟移植的傢伙絕對名副其實。因為這傢伙可不是什麼好鳥! David Bennett Sr. was involved in a serious assault nearly 35 years ago, court records show. Such histories should not disqualify patients, his doctors said. An ailing Maryland man who received a pig’s heart last week in a pioneering transplant procedure has a criminal record stemming from an assault 34 years ago in which he repeatedly stabbed a young man, leaving him paralyzed. The victim, Edward Shumaker, spent two decades in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down, and suffered numerous medical complications including a stroke that left him cognitively impaired, before he died in 2007 at age 40, according to his sister, Leslie Shumaker Downey, of Frederick, Md. The Washington Post first reported the transplant patient’s criminal record and the assault that led to it on Thursday. The revelations have prompted debate about how patients are selected for cutting-edge medical care. 豬被人類馴養千年,早已是非常溫順謙良的動物。希望這顆溫和善良的豬心臟,能讓這個曾經冷血殺人的傢伙,雖然身體上真正做到了"人面獸心",但行為上不再"人面獸心"。 |
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