美国最愚蠢的总统,没有之一 ! |
送交者: 爪四哥 2022年05月23日16:09:36 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
以前爪哥一直以为,卡特是美国最愚蠢的总统。 现在知道了,卡特在败灯面前,简直就是爱因斯坦,牛顿。 败灯上台不到两年,已经用实际行动证实,自己是美国最愚蠢的总统,没有之一。 不过,败灯也用自身的表现,证明了美国民主的"伟大":老年痴呆晚期的病人,也能做总统!
Biden Said the U.S. Would Protect Taiwan. But It’s Not That Clear-Cut.After the president’s remarks at a CNN event, the White House quickly declared that the American policy of “strategic ambiguity” over the island’s defense had not changed.
Tokyo (CNN)President Joe Biden said Monday that the United States would intervene militarily if China attempts to take Taiwan by force, a warning that appeared to deviate from the deliberate ambiguity traditionally held by Washington. The White House quickly downplayed the comments, saying they don't reflect a change in US policy. It's the second time in recent months -- including during a CNN town hall in October -- that Biden has said the US would protect Taiwan from a Chinese attack, only to have the White House walk back those remarks.
Tokyo (BBC news) US President Joe Biden has warned China is "flirting with danger" over Taiwan, and vowed to intervene militarily to protect the island if it is attacked. Speaking in Japan, he appeared to contradict long-standing US policy in the region, although the White House insisted there had been no departure. It took the US State Department only minutes to start walking back Joe Biden's comments. This is not the first time he has said he would defend Taiwan. It could be an expression of his deep personal disquiet about the Ukraine invasion, and the prospect of something similar happening in Taiwan. 尼玛,这个老年痴呆症患者,已经在欧洲输光了美国用了近一个世纪积攒的软实力。还嫌不够,又跑到亚洲信口雌黄,一腚要把美国在亚洲的软实力也一起输光光! 败灯这货在乌克兰问题上,说过同样的话,结果被普京用"特别军事行动"直接打脸。 现在这货又在台湾问题上大放厥词,就看中共有没有卵蛋,学习普京好榜样了。 不过,理智告诉我,贪腐成性,把亿万家产留在海外的中共权贵们,就是一群无卵的太监。除了会用坦克机枪收拾自己的老百姓,在欧美列强面前,只会打嘴炮,这一次也不例外! 挑两百斤牛皮走山路不换肩的小学博士,在普京面前,就是一伪男! |
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