世界杯后遗症:法国阿根廷球迷的骚造作。。。 |
送交者: 爪四哥 2022年12月26日04:54:14 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,神马叫 sour grape ! Petition to REPLAY World Cup final - created by seething France fans - passes 210,000 signatures, with supporters moaning about refereeing decisions for Argentina's first two goals
艾玛,如果俺没记错的话,决赛中,阿根廷队只获得一个点球,法国队可是获得两个点球! 法国队的前两个进球,都是在中场对梅西和麦卡利斯特(?)采用犯规动作断球后(裁判没有吹罚),进攻得分的。 做为阿根廷队的铁粉,俺原本就对法国队不感冒,脚着法国人投机取巧,利用非洲移民的后代,在足球场玩儿弯道超车,把足球运动变成了田径场。 世界杯过后,看到法国球迷一边儿用最恶毒的种族歧视语言攻击姆巴佩以及罚失点球的两个黑人球员,一边大嚼酸葡萄,认为裁判不公,要求重赛。俺。。俺。。俺。。。 不厚道地哈哈大笑了 :-)))) 不过,一向以爱憎分明,热情奔放闻名的阿根廷球迷,面临法国球迷的挑衅,咋会认怂呢?! 这不,阿根廷球迷针锋相对,在网上发起了“别哭了,法国佬!”的活动,并且大获成功! Argentina launches a petition for “France to stop crying”An online petition that collected more than 300,000 signatures in less than 24 hours. We never end to end. Almost a week after the final of this World Cup 2022, the match still makes a lot of ink flow. From now on, supporters are fighting with… online petitions. This Sunday, Argentina became world champion for the third time in their history. At the expense of The french team.A thrilling final won after penalties by the Albiceleste (3-3, 4-2 on pens). Since then, the Argentines have not stopped sleeping. First in the field. With goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez in first spearhead. Now it’s time for the supporters. If the French have launched the traditional petition to replay the match – which has still recorded more than 200,000 signatures, the Argentines are not left out. 哈哈,各位看官瞧见没,无论在世界杯赛场撕,还是在网上扯,阿根廷都完胜法国! 如果说本次世界杯,法国高卢雄鸡变乌鸡的话,那么清一色白人组成的阿根廷队就是白凤了。 那世界杯决赛,就是乌鸡白凤丸:全世界球迷的大补! 爪哥快评: 做为球迷,吹捧自己的球队,贬低对方的球队,再正常不过。糙老爷们儿之间,有时候喽不住火,互怼互骂几句,也很正常。但是。。。。 在网上玩的底线,是不攻击对方的家人。 瞧瞧老格这个网络流氓的嘴脸: 哈哈, 大外宣的烂爪牙把老妈和女儿卖给爪牙上级党组织, 还经常开心为此吹嘘, 说是 - 老格 - (64 bytes) (23 reads) 12/22/2022 18:29:31 • 爪牙你说你靠卖你老婆女儿的素材来编黄色笑话, 讨你上司喜欢. 真是狗爪牙阿 - 老格 - (477 bytes) (13 reads) 12/22/2022 18:32:08 俺就纳闷儿了,换了任何人,如此无耻下流辱骂网友的家人,早就被封号了! 但这货一而再再而三地在好几个论坛肆无忌惮地耍流氓,用最下流无耻地脏话攻击网友,却一直能逍遥法外。 WHY?WHY?WHY? 莫非这货是股东?或者是网站老板的亲戚? WHAT A SHAME !!!! |
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