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送交者: 爪四哥 2024年01月12日17:48:22 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话

首先声明一下,这个小鸡鸡,不是被五哥在笑坛天天弹的,而是 New England Patriots 的传奇主教练 Belichick。因为他名字里有chick,所以被广大非爱国者球迷们戏称为小鸡鸡。嘻嘻

小鸡鸡在爱国者队的24年来,纵横江湖,睥睨天下,人挡杀人,佛挡杀佛,10次进入super bowl,六次夺魁,创立了NFL历史上最辉煌的王朝之一。鼓掌


No head coach in NFL history has lost more games than Bill Belichick.

The Patriots' loss to the Jets on Sunday was the 165th regular-season loss of Belichick's coaching career. That moves him into a three-way tie with Dan Reeves and Jeff Fisher for the most regular-season losses in NFL history.

Counting the postseason, Belichick has lost 178 games in his head-coaching career. That also ties him for the most ever, with Tom Landry, who also lost 178 games combined between the regular season and the postseason.

Belichick is third in NFL history for the most regular-season wins. Belichick has won 302 regular season games, behind Don Shula (328) and George Halas (318). Counting the postseason, Belichick has 333 wins, which moves him ahead of Halas into second place, behind Shula's 347.

It seems unlikely that the 71-year-old Belichick will coach long enough to surpass Shula。解释

but if he coaches another season(据说,小鸡鸡很可能会去亚特兰大秃鹰或者圣地亚哥电光执教), he'll have the all-time losses record to himself.哈哈

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