26個紅州公開對抗聯邦政府,美國第二次內戰正式拉開序幕? |
送交者: 爪四哥 2024年01月26日17:06:25 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話 |
美國保守派占優的最高法院,前天以5票贊成、4票反對,允許聯邦特工在德州邊境執法,切斷德州政府“非法”建造,用來阻擋非法移民大量湧入的邊境圍欄鐵絲網。 德州共和黨控制的州政府的反應? More razor wire being installed in Texas !!!! 我擦!這是妥妥滴與美國最高法院以及聯邦政府對着幹。 而且,Texas 並非獨狼行動,共和黨控制的 OK, AR, FL,已經決定派本州的國民警衛隊,到 TX 協防。 Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin on X: "Virginia stands with Texas."
"The fentanyl crisis is here and is tearing families and communities apart. Children dying from fentanyl is 100 percent preventable. While President Biden and the federal government fail to do their job by securing our southern border, Missouri will act." 截至今天,事情越鬧越大。25 Republican governors released joint statement in support of Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Texas' constitutional right to self-defense. If we include Texas itself, that's 26 states supporting Texas. Plus a full statement of support from Trump, who is leading in the polls. At present, states in red have publicly declared their support for Texan Governor Greg Abbott.#
這意味着,美國聯邦軍隊將會與得到26個紅州支持的德州國民警衛隊,兵戎相見,大開殺戒。。。。 |
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