五年前,川普在接受採訪時,對中共8964屠城顯示的 “power of strenth”,表示讚賞。。。。
“When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it,” Trump said. “Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength.That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak.”
Speaking to US Fox News, Trump described Xi as an exceptionally intelligent individual who governs China’s population of 1.4 billion people with “iron” authority.
“Think of President Xi. Central casting, brilliant guy. You know, when I say he’s brilliant, everyone says, ‘Oh that’s terrible',” said Trump.
Trump added: “Well, he runs 1.4 billion people with an iron fist. Smart, brilliant, everything perfect. There’s nobody in Hollywood like this guy.”