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無恥的謠言, 無恥的川粉 !
送交者: 爪四哥 2024年08月14日16:15:23 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話

最近, 在川粉雲集的 X, reddit 等自媒體平台上, 瘋狂流傳着一則"聳人聽聞"的消息:

一般而言, 如此聳人聽聞顛覆三觀的所謂"網絡新聞", 多半都是假的. 

果不其然, 這則"有圖有真相"的所謂新聞, 已經被闢謠:

尼瑪, 川粉造謠, 已經到了無恥的十次方的地步 ! 鄙視

俺認為, 這種在大選期間, 無中生有地造謠污衊, 赤裸裸地人身攻擊, 從而達到影響大選目的的惡意造謠者, 一經查明, 應該承擔法律責任.

當然, 俺不認同英國警方肆意抓捕網絡惡意造謠傳謠者的做法. 

但是, 在網絡上惡意造謠, 不能是無本買賣, 必須讓謠棍們付出代價. 如何在言論自由與造謠傳謠之間找出一個最佳的法律平衡點, 讓造謠傳謠者望而卻步, 是所有西方文明國家面臨的一個重大課題. 一旦處理不好, 會讓國家走入分裂甚至內戰的深淵. 

再轉發一篇闢謠的文章 :

(ZT) Story about Gov. Tim Walz getting his stomach pumped is fabricated and false

  • This story was fabricated, features fake details and has a timeline that doesn’t track with reality. 

See the sources for this fact-check

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz alluded to a lewd fake claim about Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance after Vice President Kamala Harris introduced Walz as her 2024 presidential running mate. 

Now, Walz is the target of another crass allegation: that nearly 30 years ago his stomach was pumped after "an unusual overingestion incident."

"Local man’s stomach pumped after ‘neigh’-borhood dare goes wrong," reads what looks like a headline in a newspaper called the West Point Daily News.  

Local man, in this case, is "Tim Walz, a local resident of West Point, Nebraska." The story says he was rushed to West Point General Hospital in August 1995 "after reportedly overingesting horse semen." 

The purported article quotes "Dr. Amanda Thompson, the attending physician at West Point General" and a "close friend who wished to remain anonymous." It also features a photo of Walz when he was younger.

Facebook and Instagram posts sharing the image of the story were flagged as part of Meta’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram.)

This is a fabricated story.

Although there is a West Point News in West Point, Nebraska, we didn’t find a West Point Daily News. 

We also found no West Point General Hospital in West Point, Nebraska, or evidence of a Dr. Amanda Thompson who worked there. Searching on Nebraska’s Health and Human Services Department website for Amanda Thompson’s with medical licenses, we found six entries for medication aides, nurse aides, pharmacist interns and pharmacy technicians, but no doctors.

The timeline also doesn’t track with reality. 

Walz was born in West Point, Nebraska, but moved several times during his childhood, The New York Times reported. He spent some of his childhood in Valentine, Nebraska, and moved to Butte, Nebraska, when he was in high school. After graduating in 1989 from Chadron State College in a Nebraska town with the same name, he spent a year teaching in China before returning to teach high school. 

In 1995, when this story says he lived in West Point, he was actually a resident of Alliance, Nebraska, more than 300 miles away. In 1996, he moved to Mankato, Minnesota. The photo that appears in the purported stomach-pumping story has been used in connection with his time teaching there at Mankato West High School. It appears in an Aug. 6 KSTP-TV news story about "a look back on Tim Walz’s early life in Minnesota," for example. (The high school didn’t immediately respond to PolitiFact’s questions about the photo.)

The stomach-pumping story also shares space in the image with a story by "Bob O’Bobston" about an "international moose count underway." This story appears to have been created with a tool designed to make fake news clippings — the moose article appears in multiple other purported news clippingsAnother, for example, featured a fake headline about former President Donald Trump: "Donald Trump states that he doesn’t even know Donald Trump."

We rate claims Walz had his stomach pumped for ingesting horse semen Pants on Fire!

PolitiFact Researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report. 

CORRECTION, Aug. 13, 2024: The distance between the Nebraska towns of West Point and Alliance is more than 300 miles. An earlier version of this fact-check included the wrong distance.

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