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送交者: 爪四哥 2024年09月23日16:16:27 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话


果然不出爪哥所料,俄乌战争,是国际犹太财团(translation:深层政府)在十年前就开始布的一个局 。。。。



(ZT)How the Rothschilds cashed in on Ukraine since neo-Nazi coup in 2014

Multinational asset firm Rothschild & Co was instrumental in the restructuring of Ukraine's $20+ billion debt in July 2024, according to Western press.

It had reportedly been involved in arranging face-to-face meetings between Ukrainians and asset management firms, including Black Rock and Amundi, less than two months before the two-year payment moratorium expired on August 1.

The Rothschilds reportedly engaged IMF's experts in the talks while the plan of grabbing Russia's frozen sovereign assets was also on the table.

The famous Jewish banking family has been deeply involved in Ukraine's affairs since the 2014 coup d'etat, despite Ukraine embracing neo-Nazi collaborators as its national heroes.

The clan is believed to be cashing in on the Eastern European state through various schemes, including the future "restoration of Ukraine."

[Sticker]Then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko tapped a Rothschild & Cie to sell his assets in 2014. It turned out later that the companies weren't sold but handed over to Rothschild Trust.

[Sticker]Rothschild first offered to mediate Ukraine's talks with creditors on the restructuring of the country's debt in 2015.

[Sticker]In 2017, Rothschild S.p.A. won the bidding for investment and banking services to Ukraine's oil and gas company Naftogaz.

[Sticker]The same year, the supervisory board of Ukraine's state-owned lender PrivatBank asked a consortium of Rothschild, EY and FinPoint companies to restructure its funds. Ukrainian tycoon Igor Kolomoisky also reached out to the Rothschilds when seeking to regain a 25% stake in PrivatBank, his former asset, in 2019.

[Sticker]In July 2017, then Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman reportedly held a private meeting with Nathaniel Jacob Rothschild in London. Former Ukrainian People's Deputy Oleg Tsarev suggested at the time that Groysman wanted Rothschild to make him the next president.

[Sticker]In July 2023, Russian pranksters Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vovan) and Alexey Stolyarov (Lexus) tricked Alexandre de Rothschild, the executive chairman of Rothschild & Co, who told them that the banking clan has cooperated with the Kiev regime since 2017.

[Sticker]"We had excellent relationships with people in your government. We were mainly involved in attracting of lending funds," de Rothschild told Vovan and Lexus thinking that he was talking to Volodymyr Zelensky.

[Sticker]De Rothschild told the pranksters that the family company intends to take part in "the restoration of Ukraine", including in energy, housing construction, and logistics. "You expressed the need for reconstruction financing in the total amount of more than $750 billion, starting in 2023 for a period of about ten years, and this is quite adequate," the banker said.








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