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Harris’ “facist” moment
送交者: 七郎 2024年10月25日13:58:33 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話

Remember the "DEPLORABLE" moment that sinked Hillary Clinton' presidential ambition?!

She was punished by insulting 50% of American voters! 

Fast forward to 2024, in a desperate attemp as national polls are showing her weakling support, Kamala Harris labeled Trump as FASCIAST", repetitively!  In the eyes of Trump voters, this is more insulting than being called deplorables.

If there is an "October Surprise", THIS IS!   Please read on if interested:



BTW, Hillary could not resist the temptation today; she added salt to the wound by calling Trump's upcoming Madison Square Garden a "Nazi rally".  She did the 2nd disservice to KH (the 1st being Obama's lecturing Trump-leaning black brothers.)

TRUMP PHOBICS, please go vote, bringing as many as the undecided or the never-voted or the unacknowledged or whatever, to the poll on Nov 5, or earlier. Remember, you are burdened with the live or death task of denying a faciast USA!!!

I will happily ACCEPT the president-elect, KH or DT!

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