周末一笑:英文太難,萬能的網絡,訓狗 |
送交者: 好吃 2015年03月29日06:39:02 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話 |
Daughter: "Dad, I'm in love with a boy who is far away from me. I am in Australia and he lives in the UK . We met on a dating website, became friends on Facebook, had long chats on Whatsapp, he proposed to me on Skype and now we've had two months of relationship through Viber. Dad, I need your blessings and good wishes."
Father: "Wow! Really!! Then get married on Twitter, have fun on Tango, buy your kids on Amazon and pay through Paypal. And if you are fed up with your husband....sell him on Ebay"
媳婦買了只狗🐶 ,沒事幹就拿着人民幣💰 讓狗聞。
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一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2014: | 某精神病患在寫信,護士問:“你要寫給 | |
2014: | 誰讓母豬懷孕了 | |
2013: | 生活萬象小笑話 你們這樣光光地跳 | |
2013: | 兔子的命運,哲學的思考(圖) | |
2012: | 趙本山:無奈一笑 | |
2011: | 起個名 | |
2011: | 老師讓他抄一千遍單詞 老師看後....瘋 | |
2010: | 笑話一堆,很多沒看過 | |
2010: | 京城裡一個古老卻不為人知的傳說(ZT) | |