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送交者: 天圓地方 2018年01月30日10:57:37 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話

“Dinner!" my wife called from kitchen, with an unusual cheerfulness in her voice.

I rushed into the kitchen, a bit puzzled by the lack of the usual familiar smell and sight. There was no warmth coming out of the oven, nor the delicious smell from fried dishes. Also missing was the bubbling of a boiling soup on the cooking range.

My wife opened the refrigerator, took out of a plate and pushed it to my perplexed face over the cold granite kitchen counter.

"Here you go". 


Sensing that I was looking for some explanation, she added


"I am just trying to be that perfect wife you marveled about."


Suddenly I recalled last night, while we were watching a Japanese movie

I remarked how much I would love to have that beautiful Japanese woman for my wife in my next life.


Then she handed me a bowl of cold rice, topped with a spoonful of wasabi.


(Chinese by Google translation)

“晚餐!”我的妻子在廚房裡打來電話,她的聲音非常高興。 我衝進了廚房,有點因為缺乏熟悉的氣味和視線而感到困惑。烤箱裡沒有溫暖的味道,也沒有炸好的美味。還缺少烹飪範圍內沸騰的湯的冒泡。 我的妻子打開冰箱,從盤子裡拿出來,把它推到我那冷漠的花崗岩櫃檯上的困惑的臉上。 “幹得好”。 感覺到我正在尋找一些解釋,她補充說 “我只是想成為你所羨慕的完美的妻子。” 我們昨天晚上突然想起了一個日本電影 我說我多麼希望能有一個美麗的日本女人為我的下一個妻子。   然後,她遞給我一碗冷飯,上面放了一勺芥末。

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