[Naomi Wang] Good evening, all the committee members and the Chairman. Really appreciate the opportunity to speak here, so I am more inclined to support the bill and this is based on just a little factor that I know. Having worked in the field of educational consultancy for over six years, I have known that many students from Mainland China, they actually cheated in their application, in their college and graduate school application, like they use falsified high school transcripts to apply for college here and they use so-called educational agency to write all their application essays and personal statements in their graduate school application {timer rings} so based on this knowledge, I just think disaggregation of …
{Audience roaring} {gavel banging}
[Naomi Wang] … this just mere facts and I think the disaggregation of Asian data could enhance more transparent school evaluation just in the field of education …
{Audience protest} {gavel banging}
[Audience] You are a traitor.
[Chairman] Again, we will end hearing right here now, but…
{Audience protest}
[Chairman] that there is… this is not a debating society.
[Naomi Wang] So what I said is just mere facts
[Chairman] Thank you very much
[Naomi Wang] Thank you.
看清楚了沒?王女士支持亞裔細分的理由居然是大陸來的學生是靠做假來美的,所以要 racial profile!所以要把大陸人單分出來“特殊對待”,就像美國早期排華時把所有的華人說成是 thief 一樣,為臭名昭著的排華法案奠定了基礎。麻省亞裔細分 bill H3361 的始作俑者 Tackey Chan 是不是骨子裡也認為所有大陸來的 Chinese American 都是 cheaters,所以要與灣灣們與港港們分出來?為將來的第二個排華法案鋪路?嘿嘿,司馬昭之心路人皆知!但是,說心裡話,我真的很感謝 Naomi Wang 。她以細分擁護者的角色,用毫不掩飾的語言,讓廣大吃瓜群眾看清亞裔細分就是赤裸裸的racial profile,是用來歧視大陸華人的手段與工具。更撕下了Tackey Chan這樣的政客明修“照顧亞裔”棧道,暗渡“歧視華人”陳倉,甘心為民主黨充當打手的嘴臉。難怪Tackey Chan在聽證會現場面色那麼難看。他肯定心裡在罵:我費盡心機矇騙老中們相信亞裔細分是為老中謀福利,絕對不會用於racial profile,絕不會用做歧視老中的工具...結果讓這二貨一語道破。這特莫啥豬隊友哇!
好奇Naomi L Wang的名字,純大陸的last name拼寫法,給自己起一個這麼東南亞的first name。
只要辦public hearing, 就會聽到各類fringe statements. It's circus in town. Wang的囈語傷害了所有的Mainland Chinese here in the US。
誹謗:naomi wang 得有economic loss. 如果當地的華人因為她這麼說產生了“depression, and lost ability to function at work”可以訴求defamation or slander 並且可以argue這個並非只是口頭slander,因為是公眾聽證會,可以達到broadcast 的level。那應該找律師。
I really disturbed at her speech. So her logic is many college applicant from China cheated on the application. She want to register all Chinese decendents in MA? For what? so her logic is that all Chinese decendents are likely to cheat for generations to come?
Andover Chinese American Association Sharon Chinese American Association Brookline Chinese American Association Chinese Americans of Lexington Asian American Civic Engagement Alliance Newton American Chinese Association Massachusetts Chinese Family Alliance Winchester Chinese Americans Association Wayland Chinese Americans Association Asian American for Equal Rights Boston Forward Foundation Hopkinton Chinese Family Southborough/Westborough/ Northborough/Marlborough Chinese Family Shrewsbury Chinese Family Arlington Chinese friends. West Roxbury Chinese Culture Society Wellesley Chinese familes