肛交在南方年輕的天主教徒裡面有多流行?Over the years, the paradox of maintaining chastity through butt fucking has become so prevalent that a term was developed to describe it:Saddlebacking
什麼是 Saddlebacking? 牛津字典里是這麽解釋的:the phenomenon of Christian teens engaging in unprotected anal sex in order to preserve their virginities。
下面這首著名的pop song“The Loophole”,其中最雷人的一句就是:Fuck me in the ass 'cause I love Jesus。
此情此景,不由讓我腦洞大開,電光火石間,困惑了我多年的問題似乎終於找到了答案:around the world,基督教會,天主教會的神父與牧師們,sex abuse 男童的性醜聞屢見不鮮。為什麼總是發生在男童身上,而不是少女身上?
答案:這些深受性慾壓抑而不能自拔的神父牧師們,其實與上面說到的年輕人,share the same thinking:
they thought they could still go to heaven and remain a good christian or Catholic if they penetrated a boy in the butthole as opposed to a girl to her vagina。
所以,如果天主教/基督教改革,把肛交也明文定義為sin,是褻瀆神明的行為,那麼,發生在全世界的教會性虐男童的事件,將會大為減少,that's my two cents。