敗燈又忘了吃藥,全世界吃瓜群眾繼續看笑話 |
送交者: 爪四哥 2022年03月27日05:02:04 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話 |
老川在台上的時候,以信口雌黃,語不驚人死不休,令全世界象看耍猴一樣,對美國總統"刮目相看"。 敗燈靠着JB曲線上台後,把耍猴直接升級為馬戲團! 這可苦了白宮發言人,恨不得天天給這位老年痴呆患者擦屁股。 這不,前幾天敗燈在波蘭看望82空降師官兵時,大嘴一張說道: "You're going to see when you're there – some of you have been there – you're going to see women, young people, standing in the middle, in front of a damn tank, saying, ‘I'm not leaving.'" 當全世界吃瓜群眾都以為美國軍隊要出兵烏克蘭,或者已經在烏克蘭的時候,白宮發言人趕緊給敗燈擦屁股,召開記者招待會澄清說: 總統忘了吃藥了,大家不要把他的話當真! 結果沒過幾天,敗燈大嘴一張,又來了: President Joe Biden said Saturday that Russian leader Vladimir Putin cannot remain in power after launching his brutal invasion of Ukraine — a closing, off-the-cuff message issued in the final moments of the president’s tour of Europe that the White House swiftly walked back. 當全世界吃瓜群眾都以為美國與北約決定要推翻普京時,白宮發言人趕緊再次給敗燈擦屁股,召開記者招待會澄清說: 總統又忘了吃藥了,大家不要把他的話當真! U.S. President Joe Biden was not calling for regime change in Russia when he said on Saturday that Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power,” a White House official said. “The President's point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin's power in Russia, or regime change,” the official said following Biden's speech in Warsaw. 打個賭吧,下一次敗燈忘了吃藥,還會說出什麼雷人的話? 1. 美國準備核爆莫斯科 2. Covid病毒確實是俺兒子hunter參與,美國研發的 3. 習近平手裡有我們父子貪腐的罪證,我特莫必須聽命於中共 4. 中共打算在四月一號收復台灣 爪哥選 1,您選幾? |
實用資訊 | |
一周點擊熱帖 | 更多>> |
一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2021: | 至愛至孝,天下無雙! | |
2020: | 疫情面前,親眼見證最人性化的美國公司 | |
2020: | 周末一笑 我笑給你聽! | |
2019: | 轉貼:老了想什麼? | |
2018: | 精神病專科開業,專治美國總統! | |
2017: | 爪四哥:金庸武俠小說中排第一的武功是 | |