歐洲盟友忍無可忍,開始向美國發難 |
送交者: 爪四哥 2022年03月28日10:22:22 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話 |
歐洲盟友終於忍無可忍了!法國總統馬克龍首先發難: 'Watch what you say Joe': Macron slaps down (直接打臉) Biden after the US president over his ‘Putin cannot remain in power’ outburst with the French leader warns the West cannot escalate tensions ahead of latest peace talks tomorrow France's President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday warned against an escalation 'in words and action', hours after US President Joe Biden on Saturday branded Russian President Vladimir Putin a 'butcher' who 'cannot remain in power'. 爪哥試着把馬克龍的話翻譯成中文,大概是醬紫: 敗燈你這白 痴,能不能不忘記吃藥?!特莫我費了十牛三虎之力,才讓俄羅斯與烏克蘭重新坐回談判桌上。再打下去,整個歐洲都會遭殃!尼瑪,拿俺們歐洲墊背,讓你們美國坐收漁翁之利?你特莫到底是真痴呆,還是裝傻?!我呸!!!! Biden went directly after the Russian autocrat in an emotional speech on Saturday, warning if Putin's ambitions went unchecked it could lead to decades of war in Europe. But the impassioned declaration has threatened to destabilize the latest round of peace talks, which are set to take place from tomorrow until March 30 in Turkey. Biden said of Putin: 'For god's sake this man cannot remain in power.' He described the Russian president as having a 'craving for absolute power and control.' Macron's attempt at mediation came hours after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken assured reporters at a press conference in Jerusalem that the United States is not looking for 'regime change' in Moscow or anywhere else in the world. 可憐美國國務卿 Blinken,這些天變成了敗燈的專用手紙,天天給敗燈擦屁股 Blinken quickly walked back his President's comments, explaining that his boss was likely referring to Putin's influence outside of his country -- including Moscow's bloody and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine which has now spanned over a month. 'I think the president, the White House, made the point last night that, quite simply, President Putin cannot be empowered to wage war or engage in aggression against Ukraine or anyone else,' Blinken said according to multiple reports. 'As you know, and as you have heard us say repeatedly, we do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia -- or anywhere else, for that matter.' Rounds of diplomatic efforts and the sanctions have so far failed to get Putin to halt his war, despite the Russians appearing to run into tactical and logistical problems.
爪哥快評: 敗燈的公開表態,從承諾接納烏克蘭進北約,到宣布美國82空降師進入烏克蘭,到推翻普京統治。。。根本不象一個大國總統負責任的講話,而是像極了一個老年痴呆症患者的胡言亂語。但是,但是,仔細分析與研究了敗燈胡言亂語的時機與場合,您就會發現他的胡言亂語,卻處處維護美國本身的利益。。。 所以,大家猜猜看,敗燈到底是真傻?還是裝傻? |
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