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送交者: 爪四哥 2024年08月02日09:38:08 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話

這幾天,看到川普與川粉們拼命攻擊 IOC(國際奧委會),大罵 IOC 居然允許變性男參加女子拳擊比賽,說這是西方極左思潮 WOKE 的終極體現。

有的還活靈活現添油加醋地說,阿爾及利亞選手 khelif 就是一個長着雞雞的男人。只要他自以為自己是女人,就可以參加女運動員的拳擊比賽。國際奧委會已經成為西方白左的大本營!



這個擊敗意大利女選手 carini 的阿爾及利亞選手 khelif,與本次參賽的台灣選手林雨婷一樣:





兩人與其他女性不同的地方,是患有一種先天的疾病:Differences of Sexual Disorder (DSD)。這種基因異常造成的先天疾病,會讓她們擁有XY染色體。

Khelif and Taiwan's double world champion Lin Yu-ting were cleared to fight in Paris after the IOC last year stripped the IBA of its status as boxing's governing body over governance issues, and took charge of the Paris 2024 boxing competition.

Both had been disqualified at the 2023 World Championships after failing International Boxing Association (IBA) eligibility rules that prevent athletes with male XY chromosomes competing in women's events.

The IOC's Framework on Fairness, Inclusion and Non-discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sex variations, offers guidelines to federations on ensuring inclusion and fairness in sport, including athletes with Differences of Sexual Disorder (DSD).

DSD are a group of rare conditions involving genes, hormones and reproductive organs. Some people with DSDs are raised as female but have XY sex chromosomes and blood testosterone levels in the male range.

Ahead of Khelif's bout, IOC spokesman Mark Adams defended the body's decision for Paris 2024.

"This involves real people and we are talking about real people's lives here," he told reporters on Thursday. "They have lost and they have won against other women over the years."

退賽的意大利選手 carini,已經公開向阿爾及利亞選手 khelif 表示歉意。並且為自己無意中挑起的這場風波,感到 “sad”。

Olympic boxer Angela Carini apologized for not shaking her opponent’s hand after the Italian quit the match less than one minute in, saying the controversy that followed “makes me sad” and that she would embrace the Algerian fighter Imane Khelif if they ever meet again.

Carini’s rebuff in the ring stirred up debate about whether Khelif should have been allowed to compete after she an unspecified gender eligibility test from the now-banned International Boxing Association. 

“All this controversy makes me sad,” Carini said, according to the Italian sports daily Gazzetta dello Sport. “I’m sorry for my opponent, too. … If the IOC said she can fight, I respect that decision.”

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