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送交者: 智商128 2009年04月29日07:01:22 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話
Very strong: The girl dumped 45 times, was still alive. 十分堅強:被女孩子甩了45次,還活着。 People is also very good: This is 45 girls in the 36 girls and I said the last sentence is "you people are really good." 人也很好:這是45個女孩子中有36個女孩子和我說的最後一句話就是“你人真的很好”。 Enjoy clean: the End of the World where no Fangcao, should not every day does not take a bath! 喜歡乾淨:來自網絡何處無芳草,不能天天不洗澡! Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: so the family of "small strong" groups. 愛護動物:所以家裡的“小強”成群。 Good English: every day online Nciku.com 英語好:天天在線N詞酷(nciku.com) Act decisively: to buy something immediately after payment, hungry for dinner soon. 做事果斷:買東西後立刻付帳,餓了馬上就吃飯。 I love my parents: as the money for parents. 我愛我的父母:視金錢為父母。 Compassionate: I am planning my friends wanted to take a plan, so he told me has the same feelings, and this is compassion! 有同情心:我策劃了一個讓朋友失戀的計劃,好讓他跟我有同樣的心情,這就是同情心! I am the sun: It seems so black carbon-like. 我很陽光:所以黑得跟碳似的。 To accommodate people: I am a bit short-sighted. 對人包容:我有點近視。 Comprehend power: the experience in the left, a girl put me down suburbs, will I send her roses, and slowly inserted the wild manure, I immediately understand. 領悟力強:在被甩的經歷中,有個女孩子把我拉到郊外,將我送她的玫瑰花,慢慢地插在了一坨野糞上,我立刻就明白了。 Perseverance: and friends in the cafe in Hoi Kan after the six hours, finally went to pay a Friend! 堅韌不拔:在茶座里和朋友海侃了6個小時之後,朋友終於去付帳了! Very romantic: roses, red wine, candles, there is a packet of Master Kong! 很浪漫:玫瑰、紅酒、,還有一包康師傅。
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