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French Army
送交者: 流氓老兔 2003年03月05日18:42:36 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話

-- How many gears in a French tank?
Six -- five reverse and one forward (in case they are attacked
from behind).
-- What do you call 100,000 Frenchmen with their hands up?
The Army.
-- How do you stop a French tank?
Shoot the guy pushing.
-- How did the French advertise surplus World War II rifles?
"Never fired, only dropped once."
-- Why might the French send troops to the Gulf?
To teach the Iraqis how to surrender.
-- A Frenchman is in a bar with a parrot. The barman says: "That's an
ugly bird. Where did you get it?"
The parrot says: "France, there's millions of 'em!"
-- Why do Frenchmen have mustaches?
To look like their mothers.
-- A Frenchman was banned from practicing medicine for having sex with
his patients. It was a shame -- he was the best vet in town.
-- What is a Frenchman with a sheep and a goat under each arm?
-- Why does the new French Navy use glass-bottomed boats?
To see the old French Navy

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