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The Last Parachute
送交者: aiwei 2003年03月08日18:55:29 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話

An airplane was about to crash; there were 5 passengers on board but only 4 parachutes. The 1st passenger said, "I am Kobe Bryant, the best NBA basketball player, the Lakers need me, I can't afford to die." So he took the 1st pack and left the plane. The 2nd passenger, Hillary Clinton, said, "I am the wife of the former US President, a NY State Senator and a potential future president." So she took the 2nd pack and jumped out of the plane. The 3rd passenger, George W. Bush, said, "I'm the president of the United States of America. I have great responsibility being the leader of a superpower nation. And I am the cleverest president in American history, so America's people won't let me die." So he grabbed the pack next to him and jumped out of the plane. The 4th passenger, the Pope, said to the 5th passenger, a 10 year old school girl, "I am old and frail and don't have many years left, and as a Catholic I will sacrifice my life and let you have the last parachute." The girl said, "It's okay, there is a parachute left for you. America's cleverest president has taken my schoolbag."

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