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送交者: runner 2011年11月12日22:11:12 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話


VinceLos Angeles, United States • 2 hours ago

True Christians pray for forgiveness...not for political gain.

ToddDallas, United States • 6 hours ago

“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires”

Susan B. Anthony

DavidPalmdale, United States • 6 hours ago

Hold it. God told Gingrich. Santorum, Bachman, Perry and now this guy ? He's setting up a gladiator fight. Where's the lions ?????

Paul 7 hours ago

I wish these people would stop blaming God for their running for office.

Rambler 6 hours ago

Cain best watch out for lightening strikes.

CarolSan Antonio, United States • 6 hours ago

Now we have Cain, Perry, and Bachman claiming God told them to run for President.
Do you suppose God is messing with two of them, or maybe 2 are lying. Maybe all three
are crazier then a bed bug.

BraneTravelerTulsa, United States • 6 hours ago

Always comforting to have presidential candidates hearing voices....

loki9039Sikeston, United States • 6 hours ago

with all the choices out there why would God pick one of these losers?

KirkIndependence, United States • 5 hours ago

Oh, here we go. Someone who claims divine right to be President. SCARY!

CptSnark 7 hours ago

Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor.

Buzz Woyd 5 hours ago

That's OK. God told me not to vote for him.

Kellie 7 hours ago

People who talk to God don't bother me...People who receive instructions from God worry me...

docs9Meadville, United States • 5 hours ago

These candidates have no shame. Now he's playing the "God told me to do it" card. What scares me all to hell is that there are idiots who will swallow this and his other crap and vote for him!

LocalAugusta, United States • 7 hours ago

It's a fact that the most scams in the world are committed by people claiming religion or God was their driving force. Wake up America and seperate religion from politics. I don't need a pastor to run this country, I need a intelligent and honest person.

jvLos Angeles, United States • 7 hours ago

People who listen to make believe voices in their head's don't typically make the best decisions.

steveBoston, United States • 6 hours ago

why does god only talk to the republicans?

Rick Perry is not in Texa ...Houston, United States • 6 hours ago

I thought God told Rick Perry to enter the race.

YsoCiriusChicago, United States • 3 hours ago

When delusional people start hearing imaginary voices ... why do they always assume it's God talking to them?

David 4 hours ago

When you talk to God, that's religion.
When God talks to you, that's psychosis.

mesays 5 hours ago

Evidently God hates us.


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