昨晚与儿子一起看了Borat 2,听说borat 1 在年轻人里面红得发紫,所以Borat 2也应该是个big hit。
结果刚看了一半,我就看不下去了。尼玛,这个片子整个儿就是在诋毁美国的传统价值观。胡编乱造无中生有不说,尤其令人侧目的,是影片恶意设置陷阱, 诱骗无辜吃瓜群众上当,然后用春秋笔的手法,恶意攻击所有不支持民主党极左政策的美国大众。攻击川普攻击政客们,无可厚非,但拿美国奉公守法有信仰爱国爱家的普通老百姓开涮??白左理薄弱们,还能不能更low?!
这部在民主党DNC官员参与策划下拍摄的影片,不仅低俗得令人发指,而且指鹿为马移花接木的手段,尤胜历害国的伟光正。真应了一句话:天下左派一般黑。更令人无语的是,这麽一个garbage影片,居然在年轻人里面极有市场。难怪,美国college kids, 支持传统理念的只有2%。
ZT:The American Conservative Union (ACU), the organization behind the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), is threatening to sue the makers of the new film "Borat Subsequent Moviefilm" due to scenes shot at the 2020 conference earlier this year.
In one scene, a character is shown entering the event dressed in a Ku Klux Klan-inspired outfit. ACU claims this falsely suggested that its organization and the KKK have aligning ideologies.
"Any implication that KKK style hatred would be welcome at CPAC is false and malicious," attorneys for the ACU said in a letter to the film's star, Sacha Baron Cohen, and production company Four by Two Films.
The letter demands that the filmmakers "immediately cease and desist from using any content filmed during CPAC in Borat 2 and its trailers[.]"
In the movie, which is a sequel to the 2006 hit comedy, Cohen's Borat character is depicted as walking through the CPAC venue's lobby in KKK garb, but according to the ACU and its attorneys, it was really another actor.
The letter says CPAC security "intercepted an in individual" dressed as a KKK member who was trying to get into the event. ACU communications director Ian Walters told Fox News this person was not Cohen but a paid actor.
"It is unclear whether Borat's Fake Klansman colleague is an actual KKK member on your team, a Democrat politician working with your production team, or one of you purchased a racist costume," the letter said. "In any case, he attempted to attend CPAC under false light and with a malicious purpose."