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送交者: 爪四哥 2023年08月16日17:51:20 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话

如果官司缠身的老川,丑闻不断的老拜,不得已退出2024大选(highly impossible), 谁能异军突起,临危受命,挽救民主党?挽救共和党?挽救美国?

对于共和党总统候选人,俺这个共和党劳保的不二选择是:Glenn Youngkin

Republican Glenn Youngkin wins election for governor in Virginia | PBS  NewsHour

Why Glenn Youngkin would be crazy not to run for president

The Virginia governor offers two things Republicans need:

A non-hostile alternative to Trump

A compelling centrist challenge to Biden.


对于民主党总统候选人,做为一个从乡镇选举到州县选举到总统大选从未投过民主党的铁杆儿劳保,俺给民主党选民推荐一个温和中间派:Josh Shapiro

Governor Josh Shapiro

Josh Shapiro is the best emergency candidate if Biden calls a quit

Arguably more than anyone on this list, this would be a break-glass-in-case-of-emergency situation. The Pennsylvania governor is just months into his job after winning by double digits against a flawed opponent in a swing state. He makes more sense as a 2028 prospect. But if we’re talking mostly about a situation in which the party is suddenly looking for the best and most electable alternative, plenty will home in on him.

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