Little Johnny Gets Promoted |
送交者: johndoe 2004年05月06日16:05:48 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
A first grade teacher was having trouble with one of her The principal told her that he would give Johnny a test, and if The teacher and Johnny both agreed. Principal: "what is 3 x 3" Johnny: "9" Principal: "6 x 6" Johnny: "36" And so it went on like this, the principal asked him every The teacher asked if she could ask him some questions. The Teacher: "What does a cow have 4 of that I only have 2 of? Teacher: "What do you have in your pants that I don't have?" the Teacher: "What does a dog do that a man steps into?" Johnny: Teacher: "What starts with F and ends with K and means a lot of The principal breaths a big sigh of relief and says "Put Johnny |
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