今天抽了一根筋,受到微信的启发,中午休息时候发了个笑话给小组的几位同事,我这样写道 “I am happy to notice that we all can take 2/29, 2/30, 2/31 off from busy work and then we can still have regular two day weekend. Yeah, we will have five day off and the longest weekend! Enjoy! Did I make you laugh? Or is it ‘not fun’ humor?”. 没过五分钟,收到三位同事的回复:
同事1:Holy smokes – yes laughing out loud. Why? I had to check the calendar to get the joke – very good one!
同事2: Yes, very very funny!!!! Thanks for letting us know that we have 5 days off in a row! WOOHOO J
同事3: Yeah I’m apparently a little slow as well!!It took me reading the email like 3 times and then associating it with the calendar to finally get it. LOL. That’s a good one. I will definitely enjoy my “five” days off.
Email发出没两分钟,二个刚刚读过我五天假期的Email的同事到我办公室,问这是玩笑还是真的?看到她们一脸认真的样,我忍不住笑了,告诉她们是玩笑,别出声。不一会儿,没收到我前面那个玩笑的几位同事给我发来Email,有祝福我的,我“责问”我的,有感谢的。先说一封真挚并让我感动的email:I know that I speak for many in saying that I am very honored and privileged to have had the pleasure of working with you. Your hard work and professionalism, your high standards and work ethic have served as an inspiration to me. Xie Xie! 我真得被感动了。还有一个关系最要好的同事她居然哭了,她伤心是因为我“瞒”了她,昨天我俩还在促膝谈心的,这么重要的事情我昨天居然没有透露,她想想特伤心,结果我告诉她这是玩笑,二月份哪来29日呢,她说“I am going to kill you!!! This is not fun!”. 我想笑的同时我也真得感动,一个小小的玩笑,让我知道了我在同事心目中的地位。 看到这么多人被我“骗”了,我不忍心,马上又发个Email向大家坦白认罪,并说我今天把愚人节的配额提前用了,反正我有“前科”了, 到了愚人节我再忽悠大家难度会很大。