笑一笑:遇到老虎,家长会 |
送交者: 好吃 2016年07月26日01:03:58 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
比老虎更可怕的,是一个人对规则的蔑视 爷爷退休了,报名上了老人大学, 正读一年级的孙子好奇地问:“ 爷爷说:“我读书有什么不好吗?” 孙子说: 猪被杀后向佛祖哭诉:佛祖,我太冤了,吃了一辈子剩饭、泔水, 你总爱说大话, 你老坐办公室,今生让你四肢短小; 你平时吃的剩饭, 三字经翻译 人之初:At the beginning of life。 性本善:Sex is good。 性相近:Basically, all the sex are same。 习相远:But it depends on how you do it。 苟不教:If you do not practice all the time。 性乃迁:Sex will leave you。 教之道:The way of learning it。 贵以专:It is very important to make love with only one person。 昔孟母:Once a great mother, Mrs Meng。 择邻处:Choose her neighbor to avoid bad sex influence。 子不学:If you don't study hard。 断机杼:Your Dick will become useless。 窦燕山:Dou, the Famous。 有义方:Owned a very effective exciting medicine。 教五子:All his five son took it。 名俱扬:And their sexual ability were well-known。 养不教:If your children don't know how to do it。 父之过:It is all your fault。 教不严:If they had lots of problems with it。 师之惰:Their teacher must be too lazy to tell them details on sex。 子不学:You may refuse to study this。 非所宜:But that is a real mistake。 幼不学:If you don't learn it in childhood。 老何为:You will lose your ability when aged。 玉不琢:If you don't exercise your dick。 不成器:It won't become hard and strong。 人不学:If you don't learn sex。 不知义:You can by no means enjoy its sweetness。 |
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