知道美国大名鼎鼎的卫斯理(Wellesley)大学吗?知道为什么这所大学没有男生吗?这需要归功(或归罪)某年某月某一天入学的两个女生。这两个女生以脚臭著称。只要一脱鞋,离着一里地都会把男孩子熏跑!所以这俩女生入学后,卫斯李大学再也招不到男生,变成了 female only 的大学。
后来校长的话果然一语成谶。两个女士的男友在恶臭折磨中全都脱颖而出。一个从恶臭中悟出从政的肮脏道理,最终做了美国总统,他的名字叫 Bill Clinton。
另一个以苦为乐,把对恶臭的体会谱成了曲,写成了诗,并以此刚刚荣获大名鼎鼎的 Nobel 闻鞋奖。他的名字叫 Bob Dylan 。他的成名曲就是 blowing in the wind... 最好是台风!就不用解释了吧哈哈。
Blowing in the wind
How many birthday gifts she get from Muslim dictators
Before we call her tainted?
How many flys walk down her face
Before you call her a liar?
How many emails must she delete
Before she sleeps with devils?
How many ISIS she will immigrate
Before they're forever banned?
The answer,
my friend,
is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.