1. 几年前,四嫂与闺女在费城被几个白人泼皮当街骂“go back to China “。
2. 几年前,我们新州的一个年轻的福建籍餐馆老板在送外卖时,被一个黑人歹徒直接用枪暴头。
川普为了掩盖自己在控制covid-19疫情方面的无能无知,刚愎自用,傲慢愚蠢导致的total failure,在大庭广众之下一口一个恶意的“China virus”,试图把美国老百姓对其不满与愤怒引向China,引向Chinese。嘿嘿,在种族主义者(不仅仅是白人至上主义者)眼中,Chinese,Chinese American有区别吗?HELL NO!别说Chinese American,所有Asia American这次一起背锅,都成了被川普煽动起来的种族主义者泄愤的对象。
Reported hate crimes against Asian-Americans in 16 major U.S. cities rose by 149% from 2019 to 2020, while overall hate crimes dropped 7% in the same time period, a study published by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism showed. https://reut.rs/3lrUiGH
【Anti-Asian racism】The human rights committee in Congress held hearings on anti-Asian violence today with witnesses of law makers, scholars, Asian-human rights activists, and victims. Anti-Asian violence and racism has over 200 year history in America. Since the pandemic appeared a year ago, there have been over 8000 anti-Asian violence incidents, 34% in California and 17% in New York City – the second highest in the country. A spike of anti-Asian violence occurred in the past several weeks, including six Asians killed yesterday in Georgia. I hope you all keep alert and safe. Take good care of ourselves.
全体华裔应该明白,你在种族主义者眼里,永远都会是黑头发黑眼睛黄皮肤的Chinese, 永远都是劣等民族,永远都是被欺侮的对象,period