As you’ve probably heard by now, a new pet cause among Republicans is to convince Americans that the COVID-19 vaccines are bad, and that any campaign to encourage people to get vaccinated against the highly contagious disease is akin to Nazism. That necessarily requires disseminating loads of misinformation, like that the federal government is basically knocking on people‘s doors and doing forced vaccinations, and shutting down reason and science wherever possible. And in Tennessee, that apparently means firing someone whose literal job is to promote vaccines for…promoting vaccines.
The New York Times reports that Tennessee’s top immunization official, Michelle Fiscus, says she was forced out of her job this week after writing a memo regarding a 34-year-old legal doctrine that suggests some teenagers can get vaccinations without their parents’ consent. That doctrine is obviously an important one in the event that a teenager happens to be under the parental care of someone who gets their medical advice from Fox News or the ex-president of the United States, particularly given the fact that, in the past two weeks, newly reported cases of COVID-19 have been on the rise, while the overall vaccination rate in Tennessee has stalled and is significantly lower than the national rate, according to the Times. But apparently, letting teens know their rights was a bridge too far for conservatives in the state.
疫苗接种后,会大大降低感染率。moderna 与 pfizer vaccine,对covid-19 type A,B,C 都有 95%+ 的efficacy。既使是面对传染性与毒性极强的delta variants, pfizer的疫苗 ,依然有80%以上的efficacy(moderna的数据我没找到)。而不打疫苗,被感染的机率则是100%。川粉们把打疫苗与不打疫苗的感染率相提并论,就如切同把巴西足球队与中国足球队等同一样,连最起码的科学常识都没有。
疫情结束的标志,是全民能够achieve herd immunity(群体免疫)。针对covid-19这种传染性极强的病毒,要达到群体免疫,需要90%以上的全民接种率。可是美国超过1亿6千万人未打疫苗,所以,依然是疫情高发区,任重而道远。
Recent polling has found high levels of vaccine hesitancy among Trump supporters, including Republican men (49%), people who supported Trump in the 2020 election (47%), and Republicans (41%). There is also evidence of overlap on Facebook between vaccine hesitancy and users affiliated with the debunked QAnon conspiracy theory, according to documents related to an internal Facebook study obtained by The Washington Post. 再比较一下美国红州与蓝州的接种率,蓝州远高于红州。
正如上边的纽约时报专题文章所述,大量的fake news 充斥着川粉群,充斥着川粉聚集的社交平台。在人命关天的大事上,逼得油管,脸书,推特等社交平台不得不把这些耸人听闻的谣言删除,把谣言传播者封号。但谣言烧不尽,川粉吹又生。
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