准确地说,姥姥家在波兰 :-)))
如果您以为这已经狠给美国人丢人现眼了,just wait,美国总统在波兰的表现比副总统更胜一筹 !
前天败灯在波兰看望大名鼎鼎的美囯王牌军82空降师时,痴 呆 症发作,语不惊人死不休!公开扬言要把空降师派到乌克兰!也就是说,公开向俄罗斯宣战,第三次世界大战正式爆发!
估计空降师的官兵们亲眼见证三军统帅白 痴 到如此地步,每个官兵的脑子里都有八百匹草 泥 马在飞犇。。。
这不,昨天白宫发言人赶紧给败灯擦屁股。向全世界声明澄清事实真相。根据爪哥的理解,大概意思就是说:美国总统在公开场合说的话,大家不要太在意太当真。要学会敬老爱幼,别跟一个老年痴 呆 症患者一般见识。。。
White House insists US troops not going to Ukraine after Biden comments in Poland
The White House on Friday insisted the U.S. military will not be deployed to Ukraine amid Russia’s multifront war on the country after comments President Biden made to troops in Poland seemed to suggest otherwise.
Biden, visiting U.S. service members in Poland, talked about how average Ukrainian citizens are "stepping up."
"You're going to see when you're there – some of you have been there – you're going to see women, young people, standing in the middle, in front of a damn tank, saying, ‘I'm not leaving.'"