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送交者: 爪四哥 2023年01月30日06:56:51 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话

嘚璱一下,正如爪哥所料,昨晚酋长与马红击败笨狗与 Joe Cool,四年内第三次挺进 super bowl。


见拙文:酋长慢炖笨狗,马红 all the way !

真如爪哥所料,笨狗缺席三个先发的 O-line,被酋长以 Cris Jones 领衔的 D-line冲了个稀里哗啦:


Joe Cool 被 sack five times,threw two interceptions under pressure。

俺原本以为这场比赛无悬念,酋长会慢炖笨狗。但天有不测风云,万万没想到,马红的 top five receivers,三个因伤下场。

这让原本就崴了一条腿,内功仅剩一半不到的马红,在下半场 Struggle mightily 。不是马红变得不会扔球了,而是他的 backup receivers 被对方看得死死的,没法儿 open 啊!


赛前,辛辛那提的市长狂妄地放言说,Joe Cool 是马红的 daddy。

昨晚马红用 superman 一样的神勇表现(尤其是最后的冲刺),狠狠抽了这个 SOB 一大嘴巴!

Joe is not mahomes' daddy

Arrowhead is not Burrowhead 

另外,昨晚裁判令所有笨狗球迷气急败坏歇斯底里的 “controversy call”,没毛病,解释如下:

AFC Championship: Referee Ron Tolbert explains why Chiefs were given a do-over in fourth quarter vs. Bengals

What's a playoff game without a dash of controversy, right? One of the more head-scratching moments of Kansas City's AFC Championship victory over the Bengals on Sunday came in the fourth quarter when it looked like the officials gave the Chiefs what essentially felt like a do-over on a third-and-9 attempt, which they initially failed to convert. 

Ron Tolbert's officiating crew identified a clock issue and one of the officials tried to stop the play before the ball was snapped, but it was too loud at Arrowhead Stadium for that mandate for the play to actually be shut down. So, that failed conversion on the initial attempt was really a play that wouldn't have counted and Tolbert then announced they would restart the third-down try. While Tolbert was adhering to the rule, the call did come in very late, which made it feel like Kansas City was effectively getting a do-over on what otherwise would have been a situation where they'd have to punt. 

Cincinnati wasn't burned too badly by this call as the Chiefs would eventually punt, but K.C. was able to get a first down on the second third-and-9 attempt thanks to a holding call on Eli Apple

"On the previous play, there was an incomplete pass," Tolbert said of the situation after the game, via the pool report. "We spotted the ball, but the line judge came in and re-spotted the ball because the spot was off. We reset the play clock and the game clock started running. It should not have started running because there was an incomplete pass on the previous play. The field judge noticed that the game clock was running. He was coming in to shut the play down so that we could get the clock fixed but nobody heard him, and the play was run. After the play was over, he came in and we discussed that he was trying to shut the play down before the ball had been snapped. So, we reset the game clock back to where it was before that snap and replayed third down."

When asked what the normal protocols are for when a play can't get stopped in time and the play gets off, but the situation doesn't affect the play, Tolbert reiterated: "If we were trying to shut down the play and we couldn't, we would shut it down and go back and replay the down."

After that situation, the score remained at 20 apiece before the Chiefs were able to move down the field with 30 seconds left on the clock to set up a game-winning kick by Harrison Butker to send them to Super Bowl LVII. 

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