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Boycott what
送交者: 制毒盲流 2008年04月13日12:20:08 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话

Boycott what, Olympic? Is there a country called Olympic? Wait a sec, I know where it is. It must be that dirty little crappy town I got my pipe beaten off in Texas. I hated these Olympians.

Whatever you texas olympians say I go for it. Yeah, boycott them all from selling us huma rights.

I boycotted Wal-Mart but went broke I now can’t even afford for buy me a pair of underpans. They darn getting more and more expensive Made in China stuff, all darn the same as costy as gas price. I olddy daddy boycotted Japanese cars b’cause he aren’t afford to get one. He told everyone he boycotted Japanese cars only I know he had nothing, not a penny in the bank. I boycotted Chinese clothes, electrics, watchs,toys,whatever you name it, I boycotted. Now I aren’t wearing underpans at all.

Yeah! I boycott everything I can’t afford to get but don’t boycut tibetan monks I like monks. I always wish I was one of them and had slaves and serfs to bring me foods and boozies. I heard they have free gay sex, is that true? Wow, I can’t wait to jump on a greyhound bus to want to go Tibet, is that in Mexico?

“Free T-back! Free T-back!” That was all I heard yesterday on the street on Van Ness and Broadway. I jumped out of my basement window all I saw was a bunch of crappies running down the road chasing by cops. I asked for free t-back they dammy stuck me a yellow flag, told me “thas’s fee T-back. thas’s fee T-back.Wa pay you, Wa pay you.” I asked for $100, they cheaters only gave me $50. What to cheat on me? No way! I aren’t texas Olympians! I tore the yellow flag in half, put half on my head it darn cold yesterday, stuck the rest under my pans.

“Free T-back!”

Cheaters! There was no free T-back at all. They cheated on me! I want boycott anything free b’cauz nothing is FREE! Nothing is FREE! Try to walk away a hamburger from Macky they beat the crap of out of you!

Hold on, there IS a thing free, yeah, your mouth water is FREE.

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