An International Recycling Program |
送交者: st4u 2002年12月02日18:52:19 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
An American is having breakfast one morning (coffee, croissants, French man: "You American folk eat the whole bread??" American (in a bad mood): "Of course." French: (after blowing a huge bubble) "We don't. In France, we The Frenchman persists: "Do you eat jelly with the bread??" American: "Of Course." Frenchman: (cracking his gum between his teeth and chuckling). The American then asks: "Do you have sex in France?" Frenchman: "Why of course we do", he says with a big smirk. American: "And what do you do with the condoms once you've used Frenchman: "We throw them away, of course." American: "We don't. In America, we put them in a container, |
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