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making love without breaks
送交者: dontyousee 2003年01月21日19:09:46 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话

A trucker was driving his fully loaded rig to the top of a steep hill.
Just as he was starting down the equally steep other side,
he noticed a man and a woman lying in the center of the road,
making wild and passionate love.

In total disbelief, he blew his air horn several times as he was bearing down on them.
He realized that they were not going to stop or get out of his way,
so he slammed on his brakes and stopped just inches from them.

He got out of the cab and walked to the front of the truck.
He looked down at the two, still in the road, and yelled,
"What the hell's the matter with you two?
Didn't you hear me blowing the horn?
You could have been killed! "

Eventually, the man looked up at the truck driver,
obviously satisfied and not too concerned and said,
"Look, I was coming,
she was coming,
and you were coming.
You were the only one with brakes."

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