Reminds me another joke |
送交者: TR@SOE 2002年01月15日16:26:17 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
This reminds me another joke talking about Italian accent. Funny one! Real funny one! Some jokes must be read and some must be looked and here is the one: On a train to somewhere in US, a lady was sitting in front of two Italians. Absolutely, these two Italians were talking and discussing something and here is what the lady heard: Emma comes first. Then I come. Two asses (a-s-s-e-s). I come again. Another two asses (a-s-s-e-s). I come for the third time, two Pee's and finaly I come for the fouth time. The lady was absolutely embarassed to hear all about this and said to these two Italians: We Americans never discuss private life in public environment! And one of the Italians turned to the lady and said: Take it easy. M'am. I am just teaching him how to spell Mississippi! |
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