案情显示,被告在今年4月7 日下午5时,经过住家杂货店买香烟时,因幻想与幼童发生性关系而被激起性欲,结果闯进附近无人的幼稚园,在其中一间课室内的白板上写下侮辱女性的字眼,对着垃圾桶手淫后才满足地离开。
Man who wrote obscene messages in kindergarten jailed and fined Jasmond Ong Chun Wee, 31, admitted to two charges of trespassing into a kindergarten and a childcare centre and two of causing alarm and defacing the walls of the childcare toilet. Two other similar charges were considered. -- ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW By Elena Chong A salesman was jailed for six months and fined $2,500 on Thursday for criminal trespass and intentional harassment. Jasmond Ong Chun Wee, 31, admitted to two charges of trespassing into a kindergarten and a childcare centre and two of causing alarm and defacing the walls of the childcare toilet. Two other similar charges were considered. The court heard that he felt sexually aroused on April 7 this year and entered the PAP Kindergarten in Pasir Ris Drive 6 to write obscene messages on the classroom whiteboard. He left after masturbating for a few minutes. Then on Aug 1, he felt a sexual urge. He went to Nissi C...