范儿50——汉英互译:恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力 | ||||||||||
送交者: 藤儿 2012年11月20日11:33:25 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 | ||||||||||
藤儿点评:如果你在读一本英文原著的时候,在故事中的人物之间非亲属关系,有人在互相介绍时说道:“He is our big brother.” English 是第二语言的你怎样用中文来理解这一表达?在现实生活中,如果你们与比大家都年长的某人并非家人,却听你们说:“他是我们的老大哥。”中文是第二语言的老外怎样用English来表达同样的意思呢?请看下文分解。
In his classic novel, 1984, George Orwell described a totalitarian society in which the government, referred to as the Party, had almost total control over the people. The supreme ruler of the Party was Big Brother. Posters announced that "Big Brother is Watching You". Telescreens droned endlessly with brainwashing propaganda about wondrous government programs. Coins, stamps, books, films, and banners proclaimed the three slogans of the Party: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.Big Brother 係由以上果本小說(1984)走出黎. 參考資料 http://www.shire.net/big.brother/ 苹果日报 2002-11-14 07:27:12
胡锦涛曾闹出过大笑话 外国记者大吃一惊 …… 在2002年的中共十六大召开之际,胡锦涛介绍时惹出大笑话。一向中规中矩的胡锦涛介绍当时最年长的新常委罗干,尊称罗干是[我们的老大哥]。不料英文翻译竟译成[He is our big brother],令现场记者大为错愕。 专家指英文[big brother]意思是[Any person that seems to want to control people’s lives and restrict their freedom](想控制人民生活和限制人民自由的人),[有黑社会老大之意],岂能不令人错愕?准确译法应是[He is the oldest one among us](他在我们中年龄最大)。 |
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