转贴:爱因斯坦的最大恐惧终于来临! |
送交者: 求真知 2014年07月08日12:59:47 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
The day that Albert Einstein most feared has finally arrived.
New generation - Yes, its here, even at AKCC!
A day at the beach
Cheering on your team.
Having dinner out with your friends.
Out on an intimate date.
Having a conversation with your BFF
A visit to the museum
Enjoying the sights
It’s here.
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2013: | 美国奇多野生味,谁人敢尝? | |
2013: | 骂人不带脏字经典句子 | |
2011: | 生活万象小笑话 昨天晚上,你怀孕了 | |
2011: | 傻姑爷微博系列 - 唠叨 | |
2010: | 蚊子专门挑我咬,应该怎么办?【爆笑】 | |
2010: | 怎么带了这么多凶器!爆笑! | |
2009: | 90后的对话有谁能看得懂? | |
2009: | 超牛的中国店铺名(图) | |