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Understand and overlook
送交者: jingchen 2020年01月12日11:14:23 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Understand and overlook

We hope to better understand
How things work 
But we often overlook
Important signals

To better understand 
We have to stand under
To shoulder the burden 
Of life

When we stand under
We will understand 
How the lowly and the silent 
Support the high and glorious 

When we stand under
We will understand 
The burden, the pain, and the sorrow 
The bond and the bondage 

When we stand under
We will understand 
How much we want to escape 
Escape to the promise of religion 

When we stand under
We will understand 
How much we resent and admire
Those whose stand over us 

When we stand under
We will understand 
How much we want to turn over
Turn over to stand over

When we stand over
The shoulders of the masses
We are far sighted
We lead the masses to a bright future

When we stand over
The shoulders of the masses 
We are unburdened and free
Free to pursue our own interest 

When we stand over 
The shoulders of the masses 
We will celebrate our farsightedness 
We will celebrate our freedom 

When we stand over 
The shoulders of the masses 
We want to make sure
We never have to stand under again

When we stand over 
The shoulders of the masses 
We will shackle the mind of the masses
We will overlook their misery 

When we stand under
We shoulder the burden of life
We shoulder the bruises and pain 
We understand the essence of life

When we stand over
The shoulders of the masses 
We enjoy the farsightedness 
We overlook the foundation of life

With better understanding 
The standing under will topple 
The standing over
Who overlook the standing under

The turn over between
The standing under and the standing over
Keeps the soil of life
Aerated and fertile

The turn over between
The standing under and the standing over
Keeps us understand more
And overlook less

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