中美互斬首大賽蓬佩奧:斬蘇也斬中俄首腦 |
送交者: Pascal 2020年01月15日15:56:37 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話 |
國務卿、總統、副總統、國會參議院臨時議長、 參謀長聯席會議主席、中央情報局局長 放馬過來吧,小樣兒的! 看誰先斬了誰?! U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday said Qassem Soleimani was killed as part of a broader strategy of deterring challenges by U.S. foes that also applies to China and Russia 我們殺了伊朗卡西姆·蘇萊曼尼少將, 也同樣可以殺掉中國、俄羅斯黨和國家人民領袖 In his speech at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute, Pompeo made no mention of the threat of imminent attacks planned by Soleimani. It only was in response to a question that he repeated his earlier assertion that pre-empting such plots was the reason for the Jan. 3 American drone strike on Iran’s second most powerful official. His speech, “The Restoration of Deterrence: The Iranian Example,” focused on what he called an administration strategy to establish “real deterrence” against Iran following earlier Republican and Democratic policies that encouraged Tehran’s “malign activity.” Democratic and some Republican lawmakers have challenged the administration over the self-defense rationale supported by undisclosed intelligence over imminent attacks. U.S. President Donald Trump has said the potential targets included four U.S. embassies. On Sunday, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said he had seen no intelligence forewarning of imminent attacks on embassies. Trump on Monday added new fuel to the controversy by saying “it really doesn’t matter” whether Soleimani posed an imminent threat. Pompeo said there was “a bigger strategy” behind the killing of Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force, Iran’s elite foreign espionage and paramilitary force. “President Trump and those of us in his national security team are re-establishing deterrence – real deterrence ‒ against the Islamic Republic of Iran,” he said. “Your adversary must understand not only that you have the capacity to impose cost but that you’re in fact willing to do so,” Pompeo said, adding that the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal from which Trump withdrew in 2018 had emboldened Tehran. “America now enjoys the greatest position of strength regarding Iran we’ve ever been in,” he said, pointing to the damage done to the Iranian economy by U.S. sanctions that Trump re-imposed following his withdrawal from the nuclear deal. “The importance of deterrence isn’t confined to Iran,” Pompeo said. “In all cases, we must deter foes to defend freedom. That’s the whole point of President Trump’s work to make our military the strongest it’s ever been.” He cited the resumption of lethal military aid to Ukraine for defense against Russia-backed separatists, Trump’s withdrawal from an arms control accord with Moscow and tests of a new U.S. intermediate-range cruise missile. Pompeo also pointed to increased U.S. naval exercises in the South China Sea in response to China’s militarization of disputed islands and Trump’s imposition of tariffs on Chinese imports as aspects of the administration’s deterrence strategy. “We’re restoring credibility to deterrence,” he said. Reporting by Humeyra Pamuk and Jonathan Landay; Editing by Mary Milliken and Tom Brown 黨和國家領導同志胡錫進胡總曝料: 所謂美國最新全球戰略 —— 讓中俄領導同志先走! 原來都是英國路透社同志挑撥離間、造謠生事、 唯恐中俄兩國黨中央上層不亂! https://www.state.gov/the-restoration-of-deterrence-the-iranian-example/ ***************************** 中美經貿第一階段協議英文本全文: 倘若被投訴一方認為投訴方採取的行動為善意的, 被投訴方不得採取反措施挑戰報復投訴一方的行動; 倘若被投訴一方一口咬定 你丫投訴一方採取的行動為不懷好意、惡意的, 你就敞開提交書面通告,麻利兒退出協議好了。 茲當咱倆兒什麼也沒談過、什麼也沒簽過,一切歸零。 原文如下: 北京話專八聽力測試: 請準備好2B鉛筆 臥槽這傻B https://www.bilibili.com/video/av5867142/ |
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