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送交者: Pascal 2020年02月08日17:22:42 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話










理查德·普雷斯頓(Richard Preston)的《危險地帶》一書講述的是,1989年,在美國弗吉尼亞州的萊斯頓的靈長類動物檢疫所發現並控制了一種破壞性極強的熱帶絲狀病毒,萊斯頓於是成了一場生化危機的中心。爆發的原因是,人們發現埃博拉病毒可以通過空氣管道傳播。這個故事令人毛骨悚然且廣為人知,由於擔心引起恐慌,被整個美國的醫療機構極力掩蓋,直到很多年以後,曾經在疾控中心運輸受感染的病人進了達拉斯醫院,另一個受感染的護士造成了永久性腎損傷。




addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS


addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS




addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS


addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS


基因學研究人員James Lyons-Weiler在分析文章中揭示,在野外傳播的冠狀病毒中發現了穿梭基因代碼。這證明了這種病毒是由人類科學家設計的。

“IPAK的研究人員發現了pshuttel – sn重組向量序列和INS1378之間的序列相似性,

addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS


addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS







Lyons-Weiler並不是唯一一個評估冠狀病毒基因工程起源的人。北京大學傳染病博士董宇宏(音,Yuhong Dong)在《大紀元時報》上寫道:




5名希臘科學家們分析了2019 – ncov的遺傳關係,發現“新冠狀病毒中,幾乎一半的基因組來自一個全新的沒有密切遺傳關係的亞屬內sarbecovirus病毒家族”,這說明2019-nCoV是一種新型冠狀病毒。研究者們否認了2019-nCoV源於不同冠狀病毒之間隨機自然突變的原始猜想。

addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS

董教授提到的在《柳葉刀》發表論文的Roujian Lu,是中國疾病預防控制中心國家病毒病預防控制所中國生物安全重點實驗室的Roujian Lu




Roujian Lu和賴恩斯-維勒都指出,SARS冠狀病毒中存在一種結合蛋白序列,使其能夠輕易感染人類細胞。如《大紀元》所述:

…儘管武漢冠狀病毒和感染人的冠狀病毒和整體低同源的武漢冠狀病毒S蛋白有相當大的遺傳距離武漢冠狀病毒S蛋白有幾個補丁受體結合(RBD)域的序列與SARS-CoV 的同源性高。據報道,SARS-CoV s蛋白中442、472、479、487和491位的殘基位於受體複雜界面,被認為對SARS-CoV的跨物種和人際傳播至關重要。所以令我們驚訝的是,儘管取代了5個重要的界面氨基酸殘基中的4個,武漢CoV s蛋白被發現與人類ACE2具有顯著的結合親和力。… 武漢CoV s蛋白和SARS-CoV s蛋白在RBD域中具有幾乎相同的三維結構,因此在相互作用界面上保持了相似的范德華和靜電性質。因此,武漢CoV仍然能夠通過S蛋白- ace2結合途徑對人類傳播造成重大公共衛生風險。










By Mike Adams

(Natural News) Every virology lab in the world that has run a genomic analysis of the coronavirus now knows that the coronavirus was engineered by human scientists. The proof is in the virus itself: The tools for genetic insertion are still present as remnants in the genetic code. Since these unique gene sequences don’t occur by random chance, they’re proof that this virus was engineered by scientists in a lab.

But the WHO and CDC are covering up this inconvenient fact in order to protect communist China and its biological weapons program, since no government wants the public to know the full truth about how frequently government-run labs experience outbreaks. Decades ago, for example, the U.S. Army ran an Ebola bioweapons lab in the United States, where a monkey infected one of the scientists there. The strain turned out to be infectious only in monkeys, not humans, so the world dodged a bullet, but the U.S. Army “nuked” the entire facility with chemical bombs, killing all the monkeys and wiping out any last remnant of the virus on U.S. soil.

You can read the full details of that incident in the book The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. We’ve also covered it at NaturalNews.com, where this book description is reprinted:

In 1989, Reston, VA — one of the most famous U.S. planned communities located about 10 miles from Washington DC — stood at the epicenter of a potential biological disaster. This well-known story was narrated by Richard Preston in a bone chilling account related to the recognition and containment of a devastating tropical filovirus at a monkey facility — the Reston Primate Quarantine Unit.

That outbreak occurred because Ebola was found to be spreading through the air ducts, confirming that Ebola can spread through the air. This simple fact was vigorously covered up by the entire medical establishment during the Ebola scare in the United States many years later, where the CDC transported an infected patient to a hospital in Dallas, subsequently infecting a nurse who was treated with highly toxic chemicals that caused permanent kidney damage (she later sued the hospital for the damage she suffered).

The reason this is relevant is because in order to understand the coronavirus situation in China, we must first realize that virology research labs routinely experience lapses in containment. Even the United States has failed to contain deadly viral strains when trying to study them. China’s BSL-4 labs have experienced multiple accidental releases of SARS strains, and this new coronavirus is now confirmed to be an engineered strain that was either used in bioweapons research or vaccine experiments.

The genomic coding in the virus is not natural, in other words. Just as you would never encounter a snake in the desert that’s writing a book containing words and grammatical structure, the genetic sequences now identified in the coronavirus strain are, without question, proof that human engineers have been tinkering with the strain.

How to genetically engineer viruses: the pShuttle vector

One of the tools used to accomplish this genetic engineering is called pShuttle. It’s a genetic tool set that can carry a payload of genes to be inserted into the target virus.

Researchers engaged in genetic engineering can purchase the pShuttle sequence from online retailers such as AddGenes.org, which sells the sequence for $75, shipped in “bacteria as agar stab.”

addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS

The following map outlines the complete gene sequence of the pShuttle tool:

addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS

The method for using pShuttle is described in a PubMed document entitled, “A simplified system for generating recombinant adenoviruses.”

The summary of the paper describes, “a strategy that simplifies the generation and production of such viruses.” Here’s how the process works to achieve genetic engineering of viruses:

A recombinant adenoviral plasmid is generated with a minimum of enzymatic manipulations, using homologous recombination in bacteria rather than in eukaryotic cells. After transfections of such plasmids into a mammalian packaging cell line, viral production is conveniently followed with the aid of green fluorescent protein, encoded by a gene incorporated into the viral backbone. Homogeneous viruses can be obtained from this procedure without plaque purification.

addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS

The paper describes how this approach will, “expedite the process of generating and testing recombinant adenoviruses.”

addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS

During this process, of course, the pShuttle leaves behind unique code, a “fingerprint” of the genetic modification. It is this fingerprint that has now been identified in the coronavirus.

As revealed by genomics researcher James Lyons-Weiler in this bombshell analysis article, the pShuttle genetic code is found in the coronavirus that’s circulating in the wild.

This is proof that the virus has been engineered by human scientists.

“IPAK researchers found a sequence similarity between a pShuttle-SN recombination vector sequence and INS1378,” writes Lyons-Weiler for IPAK:

addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS

Another gene sequence also shows a 92% match with the Spike protein from the SARS coronavirus:

addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS

The process for achieving this was patented by Chinese researchers as shown in this patent link.

The pShuttle vector was used to insert SARS genes into the coronavirus, a process that makes it deadly to humans. “The very researchers conducting studies on SARS vaccines have cautioned repeatedly against human trials,” warns Lyons-Weiler:

The disease progression in of 2019-nCoV is consistent with those seen in animals and humans vaccinated against SARS and then challenged with re-infection. Thus, the hypothesis that 2019-nCoV is an experimental vaccine type must be seriously considered.

He also warns about, “studies that have reported serious immunopathology in animals – rats, ferrets, and monkeys – in which animals vaccinated against coronoviruses tended to have extremely high rates of respiratory failure upon subsequent exposure in the study when challenged with the wild-type coronavirus.”

He concludes:

If the Chinese government has been conducting human trials against SARS. MERS, or other coronviruses using recombined viruses, they may have made their citizens far more susceptible to acute respiratory distress syndrome upon infection with 2019-nCoV coronavirus.


Another doctor from Beijing Medical University warns the virus appears to be genetically engineered

Lyons-Weiler is not alone in his assessment of the genetic engineering origins of the coronavirus. Dr. Yuhong Dong, who holds a doctorate degree in infectious diseases from Beijing University, writes in The Epoch Times:

Based on recently published scientific papers, this new coronavirus has unprecedented virologic features that suggest genetic engineering may have been involved in its creation. The virus presents with severe clinical features, thus it poses a huge threat to humans. It is imperative for scientists, physicians, and people all over the world, including governments and public health authorities, to make every effort to investigate this mysterious and suspicious virus in order to elucidate its origin and to protect the ultimate future of the human race.

Dr. Yuhong reminds us that a Jan. 30 science paper published in The Lancet concludes that, “recombination is probably not the reason for emergence of this virus.” In other words, this did not occur through natural mutations in the wild.

He also points to a Jan. 27th study by five Greek scientists who also concluded the coronavirus has no lineage to other viruses in the “family tree” that’s found in the wild. He writes:

A Jan. 27 2020, study by 5 Greek scientists analyzed the genetic relationships of 2019-nCoV and found that “the new coronavirus provides a new lineage for almost half of its genome, with no close genetic relationships to other viruses within the subgenus of sarbecovirus,” and has an unusual middle segment never seen before in any coronavirus. All this indicates that 2019-nCoV is a brand-new type of coronavirus. The study’s authors rejected the original hypothesis that 2019-nCoV originated from random natural mutations between different coronaviruses.

addgene-pshuttle-gene-sequence Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” [your]NEWS

“No bats were sold or found at the Huanan seafood market”

Dr. Yuhong writes about The Lancet study by authors Roujian Lu et al., from the China Key Laboratory of Biosafety, National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, repeating a quote from that paper:

First, the outbreak was first reported in late December 2019, when most bat species in Wuhan are hibernating. Second, no bats were sold or found at the Huanan seafood market, whereas various non-aquatic animals (including mammals) were available for purchase. Third, the sequence identity between 2019-nCoV and its close relatives bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 was less than 90%. Hence, bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 are not direct ancestors of 2019-nCoV.

In other words, it isn’t from bats.

That means the entire mainstream media is lying to us about the real origins of the coronavirus.

That same paper goes on to underscore the misinformation in the official explanation, stating, “Many of the initially confirmed 2019-nCoV cases—27 of the first 41 in one report, 26 of 47 in another—were connected to the Wuhan market, but up to 45%, including the earliest handful, were not. This raises the possibility that the initial jump into people happened elsewhere.”

Both Lu (in The Lancet paper linked above) and Lyons-Weiler point to the presence of a SARS binding protein sequence in the coronavirus that allows it to easily infect human cells. As explained in The Epoch Times:

…despite considerable genetics distance between the Wuhan CoV and the human-infecting SARS-CoV, and the overall low homology of the Wuhan CoV S-protein to that of SARS-CoV, the Wuhan CoV S-protein had several patches of sequences in the receptor binding (RBD) domain with a high homology to that of SARS-CoV. The residues at positions 442, 472, 479, 487, and 491 in SARS-CoV S-protein were reported to be at receptor complex interface and considered critical for cross species and human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV. So to our surprise, despite replacing four out of five important interface amino acid residues, the Wuhan CoV S-protein was found to have a significant binding affinity to human ACE2. …The Wuhan CoV S-protein and SARS-CoV S-protein shared an almost identical 3-D structure in the RBD domain, thus maintaining similar van der Waals and electrostatic properties in the interaction interface. Thus the Wuhan CoV is still able to pose a significant public health risk for human transmission via the S protein–ACE2 binding pathway. (emphasis added)

As Dr. Yuhong asks, “How could this novel virus be so intelligent as to mutate precisely at selected sites while preserving its binding affinity to the human ACE2 receptor? How did the virus change just four amino acids of the S-protein? Did the virus know how to use Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) to make sure this would happen?”

It couldn’t happen by chance, in other words. The coronavirus is not a random mutation in the wild. It was engineered.

Many other scientists around the world are now investigating the gene sequences found in the coronavirus, and they are increasingly concluding that elements of the virus have been engineered.

Many of those scientists are being threatened and censored. One paper has so far been forced to be withdrawn and revised, no doubt to remove the key conclusions that point to the genetic engineering origins of the coronavirus, but the proof of its engineering cannot be denied forever.


Either the coronavirus was genetically engineered, or the science establishment is going to have to throw out the entire field of genomics research and claim it isn’t real

Eventually, the science establishment is either going to have to conclude that this coronavirus strain was engineered, or that all the laws of genetics science don’t work, and gene sequencing is imaginary (sort of like transgenderism by the “progressive” Left, which has already abandoned biological reality).

So far they’ve tried to bamboozle the public into believing this is all some sort of accident from Mother Nature, but that has only worked because most of the public doesn’t understand enough science to counter the official propaganda. However, there are more than enough independent scientists around the world to prove that this pandemic strain was engineered by humans. More evidence is coming out each day.

Interestingly, as this article is going to press, all the official numbers of infections and deaths from coronavirus have been frozen for about 14 hours and counting, almost as if every nation of the world has agreed to stop reporting new numbers. This may be a temporary situation that gets resolved in the next few hours, but it’s highly suspicious. For the last week, we’ve been getting new updates about every 12 hours or sooner, and we’ve never seen the count frozen for this long.

At the same time, an 11th case of coronavirus has now been confirmed by the CDC in the United States, revealing that infections are continuing to spread in the USA, despite the efforts of the CDC to contain the outbreak.

Stay informed. Read NaturalNews.com and watch more videos from thousands of channels at Brighteon.com.





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