喜从美帝来3小时破解病毒DNA测序构建疫苗 |
送交者: Pascal 2020年02月15日14:37:04 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
中国人民之福 —— 韩裔美国人 J. Joseph Kim 博士为 总裁 & CEO、位于加州圣地亚哥的美国制药公司 Inovio Pharmaceuticals 研发中心科学家 仅用三个小时就破解了新型冠状病毒的 DNA测序 成功构建了相关疫苗 今年夏季开始用于人体临床试验 A team of San Diego laboratory scientists has reportedly created a vaccine for the coronavirus, or COVID-19, and in potentially record-breaking time. According to Fox Business, the scientists, operating at a satellite location of Pennsylvania-based American biotech company Inovio Pharmaceuticals, discovered and tested the successful vaccine within three hours of receiving a full overview of the virus’ genetic composition. “We were able to rapidly construct our vaccine in a matter of about three hours once we had the DNA sequence from the virus available because of the power of our DNA medicine platform,” Inovio president and CEO Dr. J. Joseph Kim told the outlet. “Our goal is to start phase one human testing in the U.S. early this summer.” Now, the race is on for the innovators at Inovio to move into the human testing phase and begin working with partners to mass produce its vaccine for international markets. TRENDING: Maxine Waters Scoffs at Rural States, Brags About Elitist Beverly Hills Parties Kim’s company, which has been responsible this past decade for speedy turnarounds on vaccines for both the MERS virus — a coronavirus strain he referred to as being “in the same family as COVID-19” — and the more recent Zika virus outbreak, is looking to dramatically reduce its typical research, development and production time in response to the world’s latest emerging public health threat. “We’ve done this many, many times before,” Kim said. “We’re planning to beat our own record.” That record reportedly came in 2016, when Inovio managed to move from vaccine discovery to the human testing phase in under seven months, according to Reuters. But Kim told Fox Business that at the rate Inovio is currently moving, it may be able to do the same thing this year “in close to half that time.” Meanwhile, in Wuhan, China, where international health officials believe the virus originated, no such progress is being made. In fact, all warning signs seem to indicate disaster, as revised totals released by Chinese officials Friday show a spike in virus-related deaths, pushing the death toll to nearly 1,400 — well number of people killed by the similar 2002 SARS outbreak. All but a few of those deaths have occurred on mainland China, according to CNN. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wGFM-XnuKs&feature=youtu.be |
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