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Karaoke Party(卡拉OK聚会)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月10日12:37:21 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        I've never seen a singer with real talent sing in front of my eyes. That is, until I went to a friend's house for a Karaoke party in Blue Bell, PA tonight. There I saw what a true performance sounded like. It was loud! And I've experienced with resonance, considering having baby cousin and sitting in a band with the percussion right behind me. Trust me, you don't want to be near the gigantic bass drum.

        The party had a perfect setting that Karaoke would need. To make it impressive, the party took place in the large basement. The speakers looked like the size of a giant pillow and so the sound bounced off the wall like racquetballs.

        As soon as the party started, the basement was filled with blast and people. It was so loud that I couldn't hear myself think. The air was sizzling with the waves of pop music and enthusiasm. The thrumming base vibrated throughout the room as music poured out of the speakers with the ruckus. The adults were unaffected at all. In fact, they indulged their passion and seemed to enjoy it very much, while my ears were falling off. It is just like me and American pops which are the best songs in the world. As much as I play classical music, American pop surpassed everything by a mile, except for electronic music. That's a close 2nd.

        All I can say is that people have different opinions and for us, the pop music rocks.






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