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300th Year Anniversary Fest(三百周年庆祝活动)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月10日12:45:17 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        300 years ago, on this very day, the community known as Montgomery was established, hoping to become a successful township. It was very triumphant because here I am with Dad now at the 300th Anniversary Festival, having the best time ever.

        The best way of explaining how it felt was awesome. Mostly because I played with many friends and more importantly, I made new ones. All the kids gathered to play football(ish). But instead of football, it turned out to be a lot more like kill-the-person-with-the-football. Not exactly the best game, but jumping on people and grabbing the football was still kind of fun. I even was able to get to the ball once in a while.

        To increase the already amazing excitement, there was a performance of a country music band with spotlights and other cool features. There was a guitar, an electric piano, the drums, and obviously, the singer. The night was just getting better and better, and even better!

        After Dad and I searched and destroyed a plate of deliciously fried funnel cake, the fireworks began. How did I know it was starting? Well, probably because all the lights went out, and the darkness swallowed the entire festival. The band immediately stopped playing, and just in a few moments, five fireworks exploded in the pitch black night sky.

        One after another, the fireworks blasted into the sky, and as if they were a team, all exploded together. The little missiles were all very different, each having a different personality. There were stunning flashes of light and huge eruptions of bangs, just how a proper fireworks show should be like. Unfortunately, all good things have an end, but at least this one ended on a good note. Let's just say the last 30 seconds during the show will be something I'll remember for the rest of my life. Enormous fireworks lit up the sky as if it was daytime, and a barrage of colors danced across the darkness. Showers of sparks flew as three final projectiles took to the sky, ending the festival with a massive flash of green. It looked truly spectacular.

        I wish I could have that one more time, but I'm pretty sure I won't see this festival ever again. That is, unless I live another century. 








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